@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 20% N 3% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析P e87% T治疗活动,用户满意度,和经验可用性的基于互联网的认知行为治疗成人心肌梗死后抑郁和焦虑:混合方法研究%A Wallin,Emma %A Norlund,Fredrika %A Olsson,Erik Martin Gustaf %A Burell,Gunilla %A Held,Claes %A Carlsson,Tommy %+乌普萨拉大学心理学系,Box 1225,乌普萨拉,75142,瑞典,46 0706606118,emma.wallin@psyk.uu.se %K心理健康%K互联网%K认知行为治疗%K计算机辅助治疗%K心肌梗死%K磨损%K坚持%D 2018 %7 16.03.2018 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:关于用户体验的知识可能会导致关于如何改善基于互联网的认知行为疗法(iCBT)的治疗活动,以减少躯体疾病患者的抑郁和焦虑症状的见解。有必要在随机试验的同时进行研究,以探索与此类干预措施相关的治疗活动和用户体验,特别是在常规护理招募的老年患者中。目的:该研究的目的是探讨U-CARE心脏研究中分配到治疗的患者的治疗活动、用户满意度和可用性体验,这是一项针对近期心肌梗死后抑郁和焦虑的iCBT干预的随机临床试验。方法:这是一项混合方法的研究,定量和定性的方法被使用。患者从瑞典的25家心脏诊所连续招募。这项研究包括117名患者,在U-CARE心脏研究中被分配到14周的iCBT干预。通过记录用户模式收集有关治疗活动和治疗师交流的定量数据,并使用描述性统计进行分析。随访后,对21例治疗组患者进行半结构化访谈,收集有关积极和消极体验的定性数据,以及关于干预的改进建议。 The interviews were analyzed with qualitative manifest content analysis. Results: Treatment activity was low with regard to number of completed modules (mean 0.76, SD 0.93, range 0-5) and completed assignments (mean 3.09, SD 4.05, range 0-29). Most of the participants initiated the introduction module (113/117, 96.6%), and about half (63/117, 53.9%) of all participants completed the introductory module, but only 18 (15.4%, 18/117) continued to work with any of the remaining 10 modules, and each of the remaining modules was completed by 7 or less of the participants. On average, patients sent less than 2 internal messages to their therapist during the intervention (mean 1.42, SD 2.56, range 0-16). Interviews revealed different preferences with regard to the internet-based portal, the content of the treatment program, and the therapist communication. Aspects related to the personal situation and required skills included unpleasant emotions evoked by the intervention, lack of time, and technical difficulties. Conclusions: Patients with a recent myocardial infarction and symptoms of depression and anxiety showed low treatment activity in this guided iCBT intervention with regard to completed modules, completed assignments, and internal messages sent to their therapist. The findings call attention to the need for researchers to carefully consider the preferences, personal situation, and technical skills of the end users during the development of these interventions. The study indicates several challenges that need to be addressed to improve treatment activity, user satisfaction, and usability in internet-based interventions in this population. %M 29549067 %R 10.2196/jmir.9690 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2018/3/e87/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.9690 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29549067