%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 20卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 3% P e74% T性健康经济中的网络活动:观察研究A Turner,Katy ME,Adam Syred,Jonathan Looker,Katharine J %A de Sa,Joia Brady,Michael Free,Caroline Holdsworth,Gillian Baraitser,Paula + Bristol兽医学院,Bristol大学,Churchill Building, Langford Campus, BS40 5DU, uk, 44 1173319120,Katy.Turner@bristol.ac.uk %K性传播疾病%K检测%K互联网%K自采样%D 2018 %7 07.03.2018 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:定期检测性传播感染(STIs)对维持性健康很重要。在线订购并邮寄的自采样包可增加可获得性、便利性和成本效益。性健康经济可以更有效地利用有限的资源,根据临床需要指引用户使用基于网络或面对面的服务。目的:本文的目的是调查两种干预措施对整个性健康经济测试活动的影响:(1)引入开放获取的基于web的性传播感染测试服务,(2)诊所政策的分类和在线路标,支持没有症状的用户到诊所进行性传播感染测试,而不是访问基于web的服务。方法:内伦敦地区所有公共性健康专家的就诊数据被整理到一个单一的数据库中。每个记录包括用户统计信息、访问的服务类型和提供的临床活动,包括测试结果。临床活动被分为简单的性传播感染测试(可以在诊所或在线进行),复杂的访问(需要面对面咨询)或其他。结果:基于网络服务的引入使整个性健康经济的总检测活动增加了18.47%(在2014-2015年和2015-2016年这六个月期间,从36,373例增加到43,091例),表明该地区的检测需求未得到满足。 Triage and signposting shifted activity out of the clinic onto the Web-based service, with simple STI testing in the clinic decreasing from 16.90% (920/5443) to 12.25% (511/4172) of total activity, P<.001, and complex activity in the clinic increasing from 69.15% (3764/5443) to 74.86% (3123/4172) of total activity, P<.001. This intervention created a new population of online users with different demographic and clinical profiles from those who use Web-based services spontaneously. Some triage and signposted users (29.62%, 375/1266) did not complete the Web-based testing process, suggesting the potential for missed diagnoses. Conclusions: This evaluation shows that users can effectively be transitioned from face-to-face to Web-based services and that this introduces a new population to Web-based service use and changes the focus of clinic-based activity. Further development is underway to optimize the triage and signposting process to support test completion. %M 29514776 %R 10.2196/jmir.8101 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2018/3/e74/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.8101 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29514776