2014-2015年流感季节,英国基于互联网的队列中自我拭子用于流感样卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析疾病病毒学确认:初步研究%A Wenham,Clare %A Gray,Eleanor R %A Keane,Candice E %A Donati,Matthew %A Paolotti,Daniela %A Pebody,Richard %A Fragaszy,Ellen %A McKendry,Rachel A %A Edmunds,W John +英国伦敦Keppel街,WC1E 7HT, 44 207 955 ext 6592,伦敦卫生和热带医学院传染病流行病学系c.wenham@lse.ac.uk %K流感%K流感样疾病%K监测%K在线%K队列研究%K病毒学确认%D 2018 %7 01.03.2018 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:常规流感监测,基于病毒感染的实验室确认,往往无法估计社区中流感样疾病(ILI)的真实负担,因为ILI患者往往不去看卫生专业人员,自行控制症状。基于互联网的监测可以补充这种传统监测,以最小的时间延迟测量人群的症状和健康行为。Flusurvey是英国最大的流感监测众包平台,收集了6000多名自愿参与者的常规数据,并提供了ILI传播的实时估计。然而,对这种监测方法的一种批评是,它只能评估ILI,而不能从病毒学上确认流感。目的:我们设计了一项试点研究,以确定是否可行,要求Flusurvey平台上的个人执行自我擦拭任务,并评估他们是否能够收集到具有合适病毒含量的样本,以便在实验室中检测流感病毒。方法:将病毒学拭子试剂盒发送给试点研究参与者,然后通过冲洗调查平台监测他们在流感季节(2014-2015年)的ILI症状。如果他们报告了ILI,他们被要求进行自我拭子,并将拭子返回到英国公共卫生实验室进行多重呼吸道病毒聚合酶链反应测试。结果:在研究开始时,总共分发了700个棉签包; from these, 66 participants met the definition for ILI and were asked to return samples. In all, 51 samples were received in the laboratory, 18 of which tested positive for a viral cause of ILI (35%). Conclusions: This demonstrated proof of concept that it is possible to apply self-swabbing for virological laboratory testing to an online cohort study. This pilot does not have significant numbers to validate whether Flusurvey surveillance accurately reflects influenza infection in the community, but highlights that the methodology is feasible. Self-swabbing could be expanded to larger online surveillance activities, such as during the initial stages of a pandemic, to understand community transmission or to better assess interseasonal activity. %M 29496658 %R 10.2196/jmir.9084 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2018/3/e71/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.9084 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29496658