%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 20卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 1% P e35% T不快乐的患者不相似:中国好医生网站%A张,邓伟,赵华%A洪,紫英%A Evans,Richard %A马,京东%A张,慧%+武汉硚口区航空路13号,中国武汉430030,86 15926318828,zh-deng@hust.edu.cn %K患者满意度%K医患关系%K好医生网站%K患者投诉。背景:随着Web 2.0技术的日益普及,在在线论坛和医疗网站上分享医生的患者体验已成为一种普遍做法。但是,患者发表的负面评论比令人满意的评论更受其他患者和医生的影响。目的:本研究的目的是分析网上发布的关于医生的负面评论,并确定可能的解决方案,以提高患者的满意度,以及他们与医生的关系。方法:开发了一个基于java的程序来收集好医生网站(中国最受欢迎的在线健康社区之一)上的患者评论。抽取北京市5家高排名医院的1029名医生的3012条负面评价(平均2.93条[SD 4.14])进行内容分析。最初的编码框架由2名研究助理参与编码。结果:通过对收集到的3012条差评进行分析,发现不愉快患者的抱怨并不相同,他们的抱怨涵盖了整个医疗咨询过程中所经历的广泛问题。其中,妇产科医师(606/3012,20.12%; P=.001) and Internal Medicine (487/3012, 16.17%; P=.80) received the most negative comments. For negative comments per physician, Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (mean 5.72, P<.001) and Andrology (mean 5, P=.02) ranked the highest. Complaints relating to insufficient medical consultation duration (577/3012, 19.16%), physician impatience (527/3012, 17.50%), and perceived poor therapeutic effect (370/3012, 12.28%) received the highest number of negative comments. Specific groups of people, such as those accompanying older patients or children, traveling patients, or very important person registrants, were shown to demonstrate little tolerance for poor medical service. Conclusions: Analysis of online patient complaints provides an innovative approach to understand factors associated with patient dissatisfaction. The outcomes of this study could be of benefit to hospitals or physicians seeking to improve their delivery of patient-centered services. Patients are expected to be more understanding of overloaded physicians’ workloads, which are impacted by China’s stretched medical resources, as efforts are made to build more harmonious physician-patient relationships. %M 29371176 %R 10.2196/jmir.8223 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2018/1/e35/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.8223 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29371176