%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物% v20 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析%N 12 %P e1112 %T全球电子咨询服务:环境扫描%A Joschko,Justin %A Keely,Erin %A Grant,Rachel %A Moroz,Isabella %A Graveline,Matthew %A Drimer,Neil %A Liddy,Clare %+ CT Lamont初级卫生保健研究中心,加拿大渥太华,安大略省,渥太华,1 613 562 6262 ext 2928CLiddy@bruyere.org % K电子咨询% K采访% K初级保健% K referral-consultation过程% K远程医疗% K的医疗质量% K专业护理% D原始论文7 21.12.2018 % 9 2018% % J J互联网Res % G英语% X背景:过多的等待时间专业护理给许多患者带来一个严重的问题,导致重复测试,病人焦虑,贫穷的健康结果。针对这一问题,许多卫生保健系统已开始实施旨在改善转诊会诊过程的技术创新。这些服务中包括电子咨询(eConsult),它通过一个安全的平台将初级保健提供者和专家联系起来,以促进对患者护理的讨论。目的:本研究旨在检查世界各地不同的eConsult服务,并比较其在不同卫生保健环境下实施的策略、障碍和成功。方法:我们进行了环境扫描,包括以下3个阶段:文献回顾;灰色文献检索;以及有针对性的、半结构化的关键线人访谈。我们检索MEDLINE和EMBASE(文献综述)和Google(灰色文献检索)。 Upon completing the search, we generated a list of potential interview candidates from among the stakeholders identified. Potential participants included researchers, physicians, and decision makers. The maximum variation sampling was used to ensure sufficient breadth of participant experience. In addition, we conducted semistructured interviews by telephone using an interview guide based on the RE-AIM framework. Analyses of transcripts were conducted using a thematic synthesis approach. Results: A total of 53 services emerged from the published and gray literature. Respondents from 10 services participated in telephonic interviews. The following 4 major themes emerged from the analysis: service structure; benefits of eConsult; implementation challenges; and implementation enablers. Conclusions: eConsult services have emerged in a variety of countries and health system contexts worldwide. Despite differences in structure, platform, and delivery of their services, respondents described similar barriers and enablers to the implementation and growth and reported improved access and high levels of satisfaction. %M 30578187 %R 10.2196/11112 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2018/12/e11112/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/11112 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30578187