T自动短信作为抑郁症认知行为治疗的辅助手段:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析A临床试验%A Aguilera,Adrian %A Bruehlman-Senecal,Emma %A Demasi,Orianna %A Avila,Patricia %+加州大学伯克利分校社会福利学院,120 Haviland Hall, MC 7400, Berkeley, CA, 94720, United States, 1 5106428564, aguila@berkeley.edu %K抑郁症%K短信%K认知行为疗法%K移动健康%K心理健康%K拉丁美洲人%D 2017 %7 08.05.2017 %9原始论文%J J Med Internet Res %G英文%X背景:认知行为疗法(CBT)治疗抑郁症是有效的,但在低收入环境中实施时,由于参与困难,包括不坚持技能建设作业和早期停止治疗,效果有限。自动短信可以用于临床环境,以增加抑郁症治疗的剂量,并鼓励持续参与心理治疗。目的:本研究的目的是测试短信附件(情绪监测短信,与治疗相关的短信,以及显示患者数据的临床医生仪表盘)是否能增加抑郁症的组CBT治疗的参与度并改善临床结果。具体来说,我们的目的是评估在低收入的说西班牙语的拉丁裔患者样本中,与标准组CBT的对照条件相比,短信辅助是否导致参加小组治疗会议的增加,参加治疗的持续时间的增加,以及患者健康问卷-9项(PHQ-9)症状的减少。方法:在门诊行为健康诊所的患者被分配到抑郁症的标准组CBT(对照组;(N =40)或同样的处理,只是增加了一个发短信的附件(N =45)。该附加功能包括每日情绪监测信息、每日重申本周内容主题的信息,以及药物和预约提醒。情绪数据和定性反应被发送到一个基于网络的平台(HealthySMS),供治疗师审查,并在会话中作为教授CBT技能的工具显示。 Results: Intent-to-treat analyses on therapy attendance during 16 sessions of weekly therapy found that patients assigned to the text messaging adjunct stayed in therapy significantly longer (median of 13.5 weeks before dropping out) than patients assigned to the control condition (median of 3 weeks before dropping out; Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney z=−2.21, P=.03). Patients assigned to the text messaging adjunct also generally attended more sessions (median=6 sessions) during this period than patients assigned to the control condition (median =2.5 sessions), but the effect was not significant (Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney z=−1.65, P=.10). Both patients assigned to the text messaging adjunct (B=−.29, 95% CI −0.38 to −0.19, z=−5.80, P<.001) and patients assigned to the control conditions (B=−.20, 95% CI −0.32 to −0.07, z=−3.12, P=.002) experienced significant decreases in depressive symptom severity over the course of treatment; however, the conditions did not significantly differ in their degree of symptom reduction. Conclusions: This study provides support for automated text messaging as a tool to sustain engagement in CBT for depression over time. There were no differences in depression outcomes between conditions, but this may be influenced by low follow-up rates of patients who dropped out of treatment. %M 28483742 %R 10.2196/jmir.6914 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2017/5/e148/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6914 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28483742