杂志文章@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物V 19% N 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析5% P 145% T通过社区精神卫生保健的电子康复门户转向以康复为导向的护理:一个混合方法探索性研究%A Gammon,Deede %A Strand,Monica %A Eng,Lillian Sofie %A Børøsund,Elin %A Varsi,Cecilie %A Ruland,Cornelia %+共享决策和协作护理研究中心,奥斯陆大学医院,克劳斯Thorgårdsvei 3,三楼,奥斯陆,N-0377,挪威,47 90977963,deede.gammon@rr-research.no %K恢复%K e健康%K精神健康%K精神病学%K用户参与%K授权%K工作关系%K参与性研究%K安全电子邮件%K e-恢复%D 2017 %7 02.05.2017 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:精神卫生保健正在从主要关注症状减轻转向以个人康复为导向的护理,特别是对于有长期精神卫生保健需求的人。基于网络的门户网站可能会促进这种转变,但很少有人知道这些工具是如何使用的,以及它们在个人康复中可能发挥的作用。目的:目的是说明安全电子康复门户网站“重新连接”的使用和经验,作为正在进行的社区精神卫生保健的辅助手段,并探讨其在将实践转向康复方面的潜在作用。方法:将ReConnect引入两个挪威精神卫生保健社区,并使用6个月。其目的是支持个人康复和服务用户与保健提供者之间的合作。参与的标准包括长期护理需求和至少一个提供者愿意通过重新连接与服务用户互动。该门户旨在支持每个服务用户/提供者组合/团队认为合适的持续协作,包括:(1)一个用于阐明和处理恢复过程的资源工具箱,例如与生活领域相关的状态/目标/活动(例如,就业、社交网络、健康)、药物、网络地图和练习(例如,睡眠卫生、正念);(2)与能够部分访问工具箱内容的提供商通信; and (3) a peer support forum. Quantitative data (ie, system log, questionnaires) were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Qualitative data (eg, focus groups, forum postings) are presented relative to four recovery-oriented practice domains: personally defined recovery, promoting citizenship, working relationships, and organizational commitment. Results: Fifty-six participants (29 service users and 27 providers) made up 29 service user-provider dyads. Service users reported having 11 different mental health diagnoses, with a median 2 (range 1-7) diagnoses each. The 27 providers represented nine different professional backgrounds. The forum was the most frequently used module with 1870 visits and 542 postings. Service users’ control over toolbox resources (eg, defining and working toward personal goals), coupled with peer support, activated service users in their personal recovery processes and in community engagement. Some providers (30%, 8/27) did not interact with service users through ReConnect. Dyads that used the portal resources did so in highly diverse ways, and participants reported needing more than 6 months to discover and adapt optimal uses relative to their individual and collaborative needs. Conclusions: Regardless of providers’ portal use, service users’ control over toolbox resources, coupled with peer support, offered an empowering common frame of reference that represented a shift toward recovery-oriented practices within communities. Although service users’ autonomous use of the portal can eventually influence providers in the direction of recovery practices, a fundamental shift is unlikely without broader organizational commitments aligned with recovery principles (eg, quantified goals for service user involvement in care plans). %M 28465277 %R 10.2196/jmir.7524 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2017/5/e145/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.7524 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28465277