%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 19卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 4% P e117% T eHealth搜索模式:使用在线面板数据比较私立和公共医疗市场%A Schneider,Janina Anne %A Holland,Christopher Patrick %+联盟曼彻斯特大学曼彻斯特商学院,布斯街东,曼彻斯特,M13 9PL,英国,44 161 820 8344 ext 56460, chris.holland@manchester.ac.uk %K健康信息管理%K医疗信息学%K信息科学%D 2017 %7 13.04.2017 %9原始论文%J J Med Internet Res %G英文%X背景:患者和消费者获得电子健康信息至关重要,因为电子健康信息在以患者为中心的医学中发挥了重要作用,并有助于提高对健康和医学主题一般方面的知识。目的:目的是分析和比较私人(美国)和公共(英国)医疗保健市场的eHealth搜索模式。方法:提出一种新的电子卫生网站分类方法,对最大的电子卫生网站进行分类。开发了一个在线测量框架,提供了一个精确和详细的测量系统。在线面板数据用于准确跟踪和分析美国和英国医疗保健市场上100个最大的eHealth网站的详细搜索行为。结果:健康、医疗和生活方式类别约占在线活动的90%,电子药店、社交媒体和专业类别占在线活动的剩余10%。电子健康网站在私人市场(美国)的整体搜索渗透率明显高于公共市场(英国)。私人市场中几乎两倍的电子健康用户在健康和生活方式类别中采用在线搜索,而且在每个网站上花费的时间也比公开市场上的用户多。 The use of medical websites for specific conditions is almost identical in both markets. The allocation of search effort across categories is similar in both the markets. For all categories, the vast majority of eHealth users only access one website within each category. Those that conduct a search of two or more websites display very narrow search patterns. All users spend relatively little time on eHealth, that is, 3-7 minutes per website. Conclusions: The proposed online measurement framework exploits online panel data to provide a powerful and objective method of analyzing and exploring eHealth behavior. The private health care system does appear to have an influence on eHealth search behavior in terms of search penetration and time spent per website in the health and lifestyle categories. Two explanations are offered: (1) the personal incentive of medical costs in the private market incentivizes users to conduct online search; and (2) health care information is more easily accessible through health care professionals in the United Kingdom compared with the United States. However, the use of medical websites is almost identical, suggesting that patients interested in a specific condition have a motivation to search and evaluate health information, irrespective of the health care market. The relatively low level of search in terms of the number of websites accessed and the average time per website raise important questions about the actual level of patient informedness in both the markets. Areas for future research are outlined. %M 28408362 %R 10.2196/jmir.6739 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2017/4/e117/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6739 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28408362