%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 19%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 12% P e414% T使用社交媒体数据了解促销信息对外行讨论的影响:Lynch综合征的个案研究边A,蒋A,赵云鹏A,萨卢姆,拉姆兹G %郭a,王毅A,莫A Prosperi,马蒂亚A张,汉斯A,杜新松A ramiez - diaz,劳拉J %A何,孙哲A,袁+浙江工商大学工商管理学院,浙江杭州下沙大学城学政街18号,邮编:310018,86 0571 28008005,d05sunyuan@zju.edu.cn %K社交媒体%K Lynch综合征%K公共卫生监测%K情感分析%D 2017 %7 13.12.2017 %9原创论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:制药公司、政府机构、卫生保健组织、专业人士和新闻媒体等各种利益相关者正在使用社交媒体,作为吸引受众提高疾病意识并最终改善公共卫生的一种方式。然而,目前还不清楚这些健康信息对外行有什么影响。目的:本研究旨在详细研究与Lynch综合征相关的宣传健康信息如何在话题意识和态度方面影响外行在社交媒体平台(Twitter)上的讨论。方法:我们对Lynch综合征相关推文使用主题建模和情感分析技术来回答以下研究问题:(1)Lynch综合征相关推文中讨论最多的话题是什么?(2) Twitter上推广Lynch综合征相关信息如何影响外行讨论?(3)“结肠癌宣传月”和“林奇综合症宣传日”的林奇综合症宣传活动对俗人的讨论和态度有什么影响?特别是,我们使用了一组关键词,通过Twitter公共搜索应用程序编程接口(API)收集了2016年10月26日至2017年8月11日(289天)与Lynch综合征相关的推文。我们尝试了两种不同的分类方法,将推文分为以下三类:(1)无关,(2)促销健康信息,(3)外行讨论。 We applied a topic modeling method to discover the themes in these Lynch syndrome–related tweets and conducted sentiment analysis on each layperson’s tweet to gauge the writer’s attitude (ie, positive, negative, and neutral) toward Lynch syndrome. The topic modeling and sentiment analysis results were elaborated to answer the three RQs. Results: Of all tweets (N=16,667), 87.38% (14,564/16,667) were related to Lynch syndrome. Of the Lynch syndrome–related tweets, 81.43% (11,860/14,564) were classified as promotional and 18.57% (2704/14,564) were classified as laypeople’s discussions. The most discussed themes were treatment (n=4080) and genetic testing (n=3073). We found that the topic distributions in laypeople’s discussions were similar to the distributions in promotional Lynch syndrome–related information. Furthermore, most people had a positive attitude when discussing Lynch syndrome. The proportion of negative tweets was 3.51%. Within each topic, treatment (16.67%) and genetic testing (5.60%) had more negative tweets compared with other topics. When comparing monthly trends, laypeople’s discussions had a strong correlation with promotional Lynch syndrome–related information on awareness (r=.98, P<.001), while there were moderate correlations on screening (r=.602, P=.05), genetic testing (r=.624, P=.04), treatment (r=.69, P=.02), and risk (r=.66, P=.03). We also discovered that the Colon Cancer Awareness Month (March 2017) and the Lynch Syndrome Awareness Day (March 22, 2017) had significant positive impacts on laypeople’s discussions and their attitudes. Conclusions: There is evidence that participative social media platforms, namely Twitter, offer unique opportunities to inform cancer communication surveillance and to explore the mechanisms by which these new communication media affect individual health behavior and population health. %M 29237586 %R 10.2196/jmir.9266 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2017/12/e414/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.9266 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29237586