杂志文章@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 19% N 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析12% P e412% T为有儿童慢性疼痛的孩子的父母开发和可用性评估的基于艺术和叙事的知识翻译工具:多方法研究%A Reid,Kathy, Hartling,Lisa, Ali,Samina,A Le,Anne, Norris,Allison, Scott,Shannon D +护理学院,阿尔伯塔大学,5-187埃德蒙顿临床健康学院,11405 87 Ave NW,埃德蒙顿,AB, T6G 1C9,加拿大,1 780 492 1037,ss14@ualberta.ca %K疼痛%K儿童健康%K父母%K艺术%D 2017 %7 14.12.2017 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:儿童慢性疼痛越来越被认为是儿童及其家庭的一个重要临床问题。先前的研究发现,家庭希望了解孩子慢性疼痛的原因、治疗方案以及帮助孩子应对疼痛的有效策略。不幸的是,家长们报告说,找到这些信息可能具有挑战性。目的:本研究的目的是积极与参加儿科慢性疼痛诊所的儿童及其父母合作,开发、完善和评估一种基于艺术和叙事的儿童慢性疼痛电子书籍(电子书)的可用性。方法:采用患者参与技术的多阶段、多方法研究设计,用于开发、完善和评估基于艺术和叙事的儿科慢性疼痛管理电子书的可用性,以促进患有慢性疼痛儿童的父母的知识转换。研究分为以下几个阶段:(1)定性访谈,利用定性访谈的方法编制家长叙事;(2)定性数据分析;(3)开发电子书原型; (4) expert clinician feedback; (5) parent usability evaluation, knowledge change, and confidence in knowledge responses using an electronic survey; (6) e-book refinement; and (7) dissemination of the e-book. Results: A 48-page e-book was developed to characterize the experiences of a family living with a child with chronic pain. The e-book was a composite narrative of the parent interviews and encompassed descriptions of the effects the condition has on each member of the family. This was merged with the best available research evidence on the day-to-day management of pediatric chronic pain. The e-book was vetted for clinical accuracy by expert pediatric pain clinicians. All parents that participated in the usability evaluation (N=14) agreed or strongly agreed the content of the e-book was easy to understand and stated that they would recommend the e-book to other families who have children with chronic pain. Our research identified up to a 21.4% increase in knowledge after using the e-book, and paired t tests demonstrated a statistically significant difference in confidence in answering two of the five knowledge questions (chronic pain is a disease involving changes in the nervous system; the use of ibuprofen is usually effective at controlling chronic pain); t13=0.165, P=.001 and t13=0.336, P=.002, respectively, after being exposed to the e-book. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that parents positively rated an e-book developed for parents with a child with chronic pain. Our results also identify that overall, parents’ knowledge increased after using the e-book, and confidence in their knowledge about chronic pain and its management increased in two aspects after e-book exposure. These results suggest that art and narrative-based knowledge translation interventions may be useful in transferring complex health information to parents. %M 29242180 %R 10.2196/jmir.8877 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2017/12/e412/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.8877 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29242180