期刊文章通过互联网为癌症患者提供的基于正念的认知疗法:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析患者和治疗师障碍和促进者的定性研究%A Compen,Félix R %A Bisseling,Else M %A Schellekens,Melanie PJ %A Jansen,Ellen TM %A van der Lee,Marije L %A Speckens,Anne EM %+正念中心,内梅亨大学医学中心精神科,雷尼尔·Postlaan, Postbus 9101,奈梅亨,6500HB,荷兰,31 243610405,felix.compen@radboudumc.nl %K正念%K心理-肿瘤学%K癌症幸存者%K远程医疗%K定性研究%D 2017 %7 18.12.2017 %9原创论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:癌症患者的数量在不断增加,有相当一部分患者遭受心理困扰。基于正念的干预(mbi)似乎对减轻心理困扰有效。不幸的是,一些癌症患者发现很难,如果不是不可能,参加一个以小组为基础的课程。基于互联网的MBIs (eMBIs),如基于互联网的正念认知疗法(eMBCT)可能提供解决方案。然而,目前还没有研究癌症患者在eMBCT过程中经历了什么促进因素和障碍。目的:本研究旨在探讨个体异步治疗师辅助eMBCT的促进因素和障碍,以患者和治疗师的经验。方法:采用eMBCT对患有心理困扰的肿瘤患者进行诊断。这9周的干预反映了基于群体的MBCT协议,包括每周异步书面治疗师反馈。 Patients were granted access to a website that contained the eMBCT protocol and a secured inbox, and they were asked to practice and fill out diaries on which the therapist provided feedback. In total, 31 patients participated in an individual posttreatment interview on experienced facilitators and barriers during eMBCT. Moreover, eight therapists were interviewed. The data were analyzed with qualitative content analysis to identify barriers and facilitators in eMBCT. Results: Both patients and therapists mentioned four overarching themes as facilitators and barriers: treatment setting (the individual and Internet-based nature of the treatment), treatment format (how the treatment and its guidance were organized and delivered), role of the therapist, and individual patient characteristics. Conclusions: The eMBCT provided flexibility in when, where, and how patients and therapists engage in MBCT. Future studies should assess how different eMBCT designs could further improve barriers that were found. %M 29254912 %R 10.2196/jmir.7783 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2017/12/e407/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.7783 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29254912