期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 19 %N卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 10 %P e320 %T社区管理者对残疾人在线社区知识共创的看法:质性研究%A Amann,Julia %A Rubinelli,Sara %+瑞士截瘫痪研究,Guido A. Zäch Nottwil, 6207,瑞士,41 419396578,julia.amann@paraplegie.ch %K社区网络%K互联网%K以患者为中心的护理%K远程医疗%K社区参与%K共同创造%D 2017 %7 10.10.2017 %9原创论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:在产品和服务创新过程中,使用在线社区促进终端用户参与和共同创造的方法在营销和管理文献中有很好的记载。尽管在线社区被广泛用于提供医疗保健服务和点对点支持,但人们对如何将其整合到医疗保健创新过程中知之甚少。目的:本定性研究的总体目标是探讨社区管理者对残疾人在线社区知识共创的看法和体验。方法:采用描述性定性研究设计。数据是通过对9名社区管理者的半结构化访谈收集的。为了补充访谈数据,从社区中检索了结构信息(注册用户数量、论坛涵盖的主题领域的数量和名称)和管理信息(条款和条件和隐私声明、论坛规则)形式的其他信息。数据分析采用专题分析。结果:我们的结果强调了两个主要方面:点对点的知识共同创造和与外部参与者的协作类型。 Although community managers strongly encouraged peer-to-peer knowledge co-creation, our findings indicated that these activities were not common practice in the communities under investigation. In fact, much of what related to co-creation, prototyping, and product development was still perceived to be directed by professionals and experts. Community managers described the role of their respective communities as informing this process rather than a driving force. The role of community members as advisors to researchers, health care professionals, and businesses was discussed in the context of types of collaboration with external actors. According to the community managers, most of the external inquiries related to research projects of students or health care professionals in training, who often joined a community for the sole purpose of recruiting participants for their research. Despite this unilateral form of knowledge co-creation, community managers acknowledged the mere interest of these user groups as beneficial, as long as their interest was not purely financially motivated. Being able to contribute to advancing research, improving products, and informing the planning and design of health care services were described as some of the key motivations to engage with external stakeholders. Conclusions: This paper draws attention to the currently under-investigated role of online communities as platforms for collaboration and co-creation between patients, health care professionals, researchers, and businesses. It describes community managers’ views on and experiences with knowledge co-creation and provides recommendations on how these activities can be leveraged to foster knowledge co-creation in health care. Engaging in knowledge co-creation with online health communities may ultimately help to inform the planning and design of products, services, and research activities that better meet the actual needs of those living with a disability. %M 29017993 %R 10.2196/jmir.7406 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2017/10/e320/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.7406 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29017993