杂志文章@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版公司一个基于web卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析的计算机定制的青少年酒精预防计划:成本效益和部门间成本与效益Drost,Ruben MWA %A Paulus,Aggie TG %A Jander,Astrid F %A Mercken,Liesbeth %A de Vries,Hein %A Ruwaard,Dirk %A Evers,Silvia MAA +卫生服务研究部,公共卫生和初级保健学院,卫生、医学和生命科学学院,马斯特里赫特,Duboisdomein 30,马斯特里赫特,6229 GT,荷兰,31 433881729,r.drost@maastrichtuniversity.nl %K青少年%K酒精使用%K聚类随机对照试验%K游戏%K电脑裁剪%K教育%K刑事司法%K成本和成本分析%K经济评估%K部门间成本和效益%D 2016 %7 2016年21.04月%9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:预防青少年过度饮酒不仅对促进个人和公共健康很重要,而且对减少卫生保健部门内外与酒精有关的成本也很重要。计算机裁剪在处理许多生活方式行为时既有效又具有成本效益,但关于计算机裁剪减少青少年饮酒成本效益的现有信息有限,关于卫生保健部门以外部门的成本和效益的信息也有限,也称为部门间成本和效益(ICBs)。目的:从卫生保健的角度(不包括ICBs)和社会的角度(包括ICBs)评估基于网络的计算机定制干预措施的成本效益。方法:使用的数据来自酒精警报研究,这是一项在学校级别随机分为两种情况的集群随机对照试验。参与者要么在基线评估(干预条件)后玩一个有针对性的酒精意识反馈的游戏,要么像平时一样接受护理(CAU),这意味着他们有机会在最终测量(等待列表控制条件)后玩这个游戏。在基线(T0= 2014年1月/ 2月)和4个月后(T1= 2014年5月/ 6月)记录数据,并用于从医疗保健角度和社会角度计算增量成本-效果比(ICERs)。通过使用非参数自举(5000次模拟重复)处理数据中的随机不确定性。 Additional sensitivity analyses were conducted based on excluding cost outliers. Subgroup cost-effectiveness analyses were conducted based on several background variables, including gender, age, educational level, religion, and ethnicity. Results: From both the health care perspective and the societal perspective for both outcome measures, the intervention was more costly and more effective in comparison with CAU. ICERs differed for both perspectives, namely €40 and €79 from the health care perspective to €62 and €144 for the societal perspective per incremental reduction of one glass of alcohol per week and one binge drinking occasion per 30 days, respectively. Subgroup analyses showed, from both perspectives and for both outcome measures, that the intervention was cost-effective for older adolescents (aged 17-19 years) and those at a lower educational level and, from a health care perspective, the male and nonreligious adolescent subgroups. Conclusions: Computer-tailored feedback could be a cost-effective way to target alcohol use and binge drinking among adolescents. Including ICBs in the economic evaluation had an impact on the cost-effectiveness results of the analysis. It could be worthwhile to aim the intervention specifically at specific subgroups. Trial Registration: Nederlands Trial Register: NTR4048; http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=4048 (Archived by Webcite at http://www.webcitation.org/6c7omN8wG) %M 27103154 %R 10.2196/jmir.5223 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2016/4/e93/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.5223 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27103154