%0期刊文章@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 18% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 12% P e331% T在初级保健中增加身体活动和坚持地中海饮食的手机应用程序的短期有效性:随机对照试验(研究明显II) % Recio-Rodriguez,穆我% Agudo-Conde,克里斯蒂娜% Martin-Cantera,卡洛斯% Gonzalez-Viejo, MªNatividad % Fernandez-Alonso, MªDel Carmen % Arietaleanizbeaskoa,玛丽亚孤独% Schmolling-Guinovart,尤兰达% Maderuelo-Fernandez, Jose angel % Rodriguez-Sanchez,埃米利亚诺·% Gomez-Marcos, Manuel % Garcia-Ortiz, Luis %, % +生物医学研究所的萨拉曼卡(IBSAL),初级卫生保健研究中心,洛杉矶Alamedilla健康中心,卡斯蒂亚León健康服务,Av. Comuneros 37-31,萨拉曼卡,37003,西班牙,34 635542886,lgarciao@usal.es %K体育活动%K食物%K信息和通信技术%K动脉衰老%D 2016 %7 19.12.2016 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:使用手机应用程序改善生活方式在人群中已经变得普遍,尽管仍然对其在改善健康方面的有效性知之甚少。目的:我们评估了在实施3个月后,在增加体育活动(PA)和坚持地中海饮食的标准咨询中添加应用程序的效果。方法:进行随机、多中心临床试验。通过随机抽样,在西班牙的六个初级保健中心共招募了833名参与者:415人在应用程序+咨询组,418人在仅咨询组。对两组患者进行PA和地中海饮食方面的咨询。应用程序+咨询参与者还接受了为期3个月的应用程序使用培训,该应用程序旨在促进PA和地中海饮食。使用7天身体活动回忆(PAR)问卷和加速度计测量PA;使用地中海饮食依从性筛查问卷评估地中海饮食的依从性。 Results: Participants were predominantly female in both the app+counseling (249/415, 60.0%) and counseling only (268/418, 64.1%) groups, with a mean age of 51.4 (SD 12.1) and 52.3 (SD 12.0) years, respectively. Leisure-time moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) by 7-day PAR increased in the app+counseling (mean 29, 95% CI 5-53 min/week; P=.02) but not in the counseling only group (mean 17.4, 95% CI –18 to 53 min/week; P=.38). No differences in increase of activity were found between the two groups. The accelerometer recorded a decrease in PA after 3 months in both groups: MVPA mean –55.3 (95% CI –75.8 to –34.9) min/week in app+counseling group and mean –30.1 (95% CI –51.8 to –8.4) min/week in counseling only group. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet increased in both groups (8.4% in app+counseling and 10.4% in counseling only group), with an increase in score of 0.42 and 0.53 points, respectively (P<.001), but no difference between groups (P=.86). Conclusions: Leisure-time MVPA increased more in the app+counseling than counseling only group, although no difference was found when comparing the increase between the two groups. Counseling accompanied by printed materials appears to be effective in improving adherence to the Mediterranean diet, although the app does not increase adherence. ClinicalTrial: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT02016014; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02016014 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6mnopADbf) %M 27993759 %R 10.2196/jmir.6814 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2016/12/e331/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6814 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27993759