杂志文章@ JMIR出版公司基于网络的女性饮食失调患者认知行为疗法:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析随机对照试验%A ter Huurne,Elke D %A de Haan,Hein A A Postel,Marloes G %A van der Palen,Job A VanDerNagel,Joanne EL %A DeJong,Cornelis AJ %+ Tactus成瘾治疗,Raiffeisenstraat 75,恩斯赫德,7514 AM,荷兰,31 883822887,e.terhuurne@tactus.nl %K饮食失调%K神经性贪食症%K饮食失调未指定%K随机对照试验%K eHealth %K网络治疗%K异步治疗支持%K治疗效果%K认知行为治疗%D 2015 %7 18.06.2015 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:许多饮食失调患者的症状没有得到治疗,即使这些疾病有严重的发病率。互联网可以提供替代的低门槛治疗干预措施。目的:本研究评估了基于网络的认知行为疗法(CBT)干预的效果,使用密集的异步治疗支持来改善进食障碍的精神病理,并减少进食障碍患者的身体不满和相关健康问题。方法:在患有神经性贪食症(BN)、暴食症(BED)和未特别说明的饮食障碍(EDNOS)的女性患者中进行了一项两臂开放随机对照试验,将基于网络的CBT干预与等待列表对照(WL)进行了比较。饮食障碍的诊断依据《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》第4版,并基于参与者的自我报告建立。参与者是从一个开放的网站上招募的,干预包括一个安全的基于web的应用程序中的结构化的两部分程序。第一部分的目的是分析参与者的饮食态度和行为,而第二部分的重点是行为的改变。 Participants had asynchronous contact with a personal therapist twice a week, solely via the Internet. Self-report measures of eating disorder psychopathology (primary outcome), body dissatisfaction, physical health, mental health, self-esteem, quality of life, and social functioning were completed at baseline and posttest. Results: A total of 214 participants were randomized to either the Web-based CBT group (n=108) or to the WL group (n=106) stratified by type of eating disorder (BN: n=44; BED: n=85; EDNOS: n=85). Study attrition was low with 94% of the participants completing the posttest assignment. Overall, Web-based CBT showed a significant improvement over time for eating disorder psychopathology (F97=63.07, P<.001, d=.82) and all secondary outcome measures (effect sizes between d=.34 to d=.49), except for Body Mass Index. WL participants also improved on most outcomes; however, effects were smaller in this group with significant between-group effects for eating disorder psychopathology (F201=9.42, P=.002, d=.44), body dissatisfaction (F201=13.16, P<.001, d=.42), physical health (F200=12.55, P<.001, d=.28), mental health (F203=4.88, P=.028, d=.24), self-esteem (F202=5.06, P=.026, d=.20), and social functioning (F205=7.93, P=.005, d=.29). Analyses for the individual subgroups BN, BED, and EDNOS showed that eating disorder psychopathology improved significantly over time among Web-based CBT participants in all three subgroups; however, the between-group effect was significant only for participants with BED (F78=4.25, P=.043, d=.61). Conclusions: Web-based CBT proved to be effective in improving eating disorder psychopathology and related health among female patients with eating disorders. Trial Registration: Nederlands Trial Register (NTR): NTR2415; http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=2415 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6T2io3DnJ). %M 26088580 %R 10.2196/jmir.3946 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2015/6/e152/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3946 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26088580