杂志文章@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版公司使用基于网络的卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析问卷调查和产科记录评估孕妇的一般健康特征:验证研究A van Gelder,Marleen MHJ %A Schouten,Naomi PE %A Merkus,Peter JFM %A Verhaak,Chris M %A Roeleveld,Nel %A Roukema,Jolt健康证据部,内梅亨健康科学研究所,内梅亨大学医学中心,邮箱9101,奈梅亨,6500 HB,荷兰,31 24 3666126,Marleen.vanGelder@radboudumc.nl %K问卷%K病历%K验证研究%K怀孕%K慢性疾病%K过敏原%K血压%K互联网%K PRIDE研究%D 2015 %7 2015年6月16日%9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:自我报告病史信息包括在许多研究中。然而,基于网络的调查问卷评估病史的有效性的数据是稀缺的。如果被证明是有效的,基于网络的问卷调查可能会为研究人员提供一种有效的方法来收集大量人群中这一参数的数据。目的:本研究的目的是评估基于网络的关于慢性疾病、过敏和血压读数的调查问卷与产科记录和全科医生数据的有效性。方法:将2011年7月至2012年11月参与荷兰妊娠与婴儿发展(PRIDE)研究的519名孕妇的自述问卷数据与产科记录进行比较。这些妇女在第一次产前检查前后以及妊娠第17周和第34周完成了基于网络的问卷调查。我们计算了卡帕统计值(κ),以及在慢性疾病和过敏的基线问卷和产科记录之间观察到的阳性和阴性一致比例。如果这两个数据来源不一致,则以该妇女的全科医生的医疗记录作为参考标准。 For systolic and diastolic blood pressure, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated for multiple data points. Results: Agreement between the baseline questionnaire and the obstetric record was substantial (κ=.61) for any chronic condition and moderate for any allergy (κ=.51). For specific conditions, we found high observed proportions of negative agreement (range 0.88-1.00) and on average moderate observed proportions of positive agreement with a wide range (range 0.19-0.90). Using the reference standard, the sensitivity of the Web-based questionnaire for chronic conditions and allergies was comparable to or even better than the sensitivity of the obstetric records, in particular for migraine (0.90 vs 0.40, P=.02), asthma (0.86 vs 0.61, P=.04), inhalation allergies (0.92 vs 0.74, P=.003), hay fever (0.90 vs 0.64, P=.001), and allergies to animals (0.89 vs 0.53, P=.01). However, some overreporting of allergies was observed in the questionnaire and for some nonsomatic conditions sensitivity of both measurement instruments was low. The ICCs for blood pressure readings ranged between 0.72 and 0.92 with very small mean differences between the 2 methods of data collection. Conclusions: Web-based questionnaires can be used to validly collect data on many chronic disorders, allergies, and blood pressure readings among pregnant women. %M 26081990 %R 10.2196/jmir.3847 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2015/6/e149/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3847 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26081990