JMIR出版公司(JMIR Publications Inc.) % 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析v17 %N 5 %P 1222 %T老年人上网:志愿者支持的价值和前后评价%A Jones,Ray B %A Ashurst,Emily J %A Atkey,Jo %A Duffy,Barbara %+普利茅斯大学护理与助产学院,3 Portland Villas,普利茅斯,PL4 8AA,英国,44 7972563340, %K数字融合%K健康信息学%K社会投资回报%K老年人%D 2015 %7 18.05.2015 %9原文%J J Med Internet Res %G English %X虽然使用互联网可以减少老年人的社会孤立,增加获得服务的机会,改善健康和福祉,从而使老年人受益,但只有少数人上网。互联网吸收的障碍包括态度和缺乏知识和帮助。我们评估了志愿者在帮助老年人上网方面的支持。了解互联网对刚刚上网的老年人的价值,就可以指导如何向那些尚未上网的人“推销”互联网。目的:本研究的目的是:(1)评估招募50岁及以上的志愿者并支持他们帮助65岁及以上的人(即受益人)上网的可行性;(2)评估受益人使用互联网对与他人接触、孤独感和心理健康的影响;(3)评估上网对受益人的感知价值。方法:受益人在使用互联网方面从32名志愿者那里获得两种方式之一的帮助:(1)在他们自己的家中接受一对一的帮助,在8次访问中接受平均12小时的帮助;或(2)在小组会议中,在6次访问中接受12小时的帮助。在登记和随访时,我们使用Lubben的6项Lubben社会网络量表(LBNS-6)评估与他人接触的次数,使用De Jong Gierveld的6项De Jong Gierveld孤独量表(DJG-6)评估孤独感,使用Tennant的Short Warwick-Edinburgh心理健康量表(SWEMWBS)评估心理幸福感。我们还通过邮政调查评估了受益人如何利用社会投资回报(SROI)方法评价上网。 Results: A total of 144 beneficiaries were recruited with the aim of helping them go online via one-on-one (n=58) or small group (n=86) sessions. Data through to follow-up were available on 76.4% (110/144) of participants. From baseline to follow-up, the number of contacts with others was significantly increased—LBNS-6, mean 13.7 to mean 17.6—loneliness scores were reduced—DJG-6, mean 2.38 to mean 1.80—and mental well-being improved—SWEMWBS, mean 24.06 to mean 24.96. Out of six options, beneficiaries valued better communication with family and friends most and better health care least as a benefit of using the Internet. Out of nine options, having the Internet was valued less than having TV, but more than, for example, having a weekly visit from a cleaner. There were no associations between values placed on Internet use or volunteer help and psychological improvements. Conclusions: Volunteer help to go online seemed to result in increased social contacts, reduced loneliness, and improved mental well-being and was valued quite highly by beneficiaries. Although the use of the Internet for health care was the least valued, improved social contact can improve health. Contacting family is likely to be the best “selling point” of the Internet for older people. %M 25986724 %R 10.2196/jmir.3943 %U // %U %U