期刊文章@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR Publicatio卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析ns Inc.利用Wikidata系统提高不同语言维基百科医学内容的质量:一个试点研究%A Pfundner,Alexander %A Schönberg,Tobias %A Horn,John %A Boyce,Richard D %A Samwald,Matthias %+医学专家和基于知识的系统部分,医学统计、信息和智能系统中心,维也纳医科大学,Spitalgasse 23,维也纳,1090,奥地利,43 140400 ext 66650,matthias.samwald@meduniwien.ac.at %K互联网%K维基百科%K药物信息服务%K语义网络%K医学信息学%K药物相互作用%D 2015 %7 05.05.2015 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:维基百科是患者和医疗专业人员获得医疗信息的重要来源。鉴于其广泛的覆盖面,提高维基百科上医疗信息的质量、完整性和可访问性可能对全球健康产生积极影响。目的:我们创建了一个自动化系统的原型实现,用于保持维基百科中药物相互作用(DDI)信息的最新临床显著药物相互作用的证据。我们的工作基于Wikidata,这是维基百科目前正在开发的一个新颖的、基于图形的数据库后端。方法:我们建立了一个自动化流程,将来自国家卫生信息技术协调员办公室(ONC)高优先级DDI列表的数据集成到Wikidata中。我们建立了示例性的实现,演示了我们引入Wikidata的DDI数据如何以不同语言显示在维基百科文章中。最后,我们进行了试点分析,以探索添加ONC高优先级数据是否会大大增强维基百科上当前可用的信息。结果:我们从ONC高优先级列表中获得了1150个独特的交互作用。 Integration of the potential DDI data from Wikidata into Wikipedia articles proved to be straightforward and yielded useful results. We found that even though the majority of current English Wikipedia articles about pharmaceuticals contained sections detailing contraindications, only a small fraction of articles explicitly mentioned interaction partners from the ONC high priority list. For 91.30% (1050/1150) of the interaction pairs we tested, none of the 2 articles corresponding to the interacting substances explicitly mentioned the interaction partner. For 7.21% (83/1150) of the pairs, only 1 of the 2 associated Wikipedia articles mentioned the interaction partner; for only 1.48% (17/1150) of the pairs, both articles contained explicit mentions of the interaction partner. Conclusions: Our prototype demonstrated that automated updating of medical content in Wikipedia through Wikidata is a viable option, albeit further refinements and community-wide consensus building are required before integration into public Wikipedia is possible. A long-term endeavor to improve the medical information in Wikipedia through structured data representation and automated workflows might lead to a significant improvement of the quality of medical information in one of the world’s most popular Web resources. %M 25944105 %R 10.2196/jmir.4163 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2015/5/e110/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.4163 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25944105