JMIR出版公司% v17 % n3 %P e62 %T维基百科和医学卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析:量化读者、编辑和自然语言的重要性%A Heilman,James M %A West,Andrew G %+英属哥伦比亚大学急诊科医学院,2194健康科学中心,317单元,温哥华,BC, V6T1Z3,加拿大, %K健康信息系统%K消费者健康信息%K信息共享%K信息网络%K信息科学%K互联网%K Web 2.0 %K合作行为%D 2015 %7 04.03.2015 %9原创论文%J J Med Internet Res %G英语%X背景:维基百科是一个协同编辑的百科百科。作为互联网上最受欢迎的网站之一,它是专业人士和普通公众经常使用的医疗保健信息来源。目的:从四个维度对维基百科医学内容的生产和消费进行量化。首先,我们测量了文章和字节的医学内容的数量,其次,测量了支持该内容的引用。第三,我们分析了维基百科自然语言版本与其他医疗保健网站的医学读者人数及其与患病率的关系。第四,我们调查了维基百科医学贡献者的数量/特征,包括每年的参与趋势和编辑人口统计。方法:使用定义良好的分类基础设施,我们确定了与医学相关的英语维基百科文章及其外语对等物的链接。有了这些,可以查询维基百科来生成元数据和整个文章历史的全文。 Wikipedia also makes available hourly reports that aggregate reader traffic at per-article granularity. An online survey was used to determine the background of contributors. Standard mining and visualization techniques (eg, aggregation queries, cumulative distribution functions, and/or correlation metrics) were applied to each of these datasets. Analysis focused on year-end 2013, but historical data permitted some longitudinal analysis. Results: Wikipedia’s medical content (at the end of 2013) was made up of more than 155,000 articles and 1 billion bytes of text across more than 255 languages. This content was supported by more than 950,000 references. Content was viewed more than 4.88 billion times in 2013. This makes it one of if not the most viewed medical resource(s) globally. The core editor community numbered less than 300 and declined over the past 5 years. The members of this community were half health care providers and 85.5% (100/117) had a university education. Conclusions: Although Wikipedia has a considerable volume of multilingual medical content that is extensively read and well-referenced, the core group of editors that contribute and maintain that content is small and shrinking in size. %M 25739399 %R 10.2196/jmir.4069 %U // %U %U