JMIR出版公司在加拿大安大略省使用互联网寻求与其他男性发生性关系的男卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析性(MISM)中的在线拓展服务在线调查%A Brennan,David J . A . Lachowsky,Nathan J . A . Georgievski,Georgi J . A . Rosser,Brian R . Simon %A . MacLachlan,Duncan %A . Murray,James %A, %+多伦多大学,多伦多大学社会工作学院,多伦多布卢尔街西246号,安大略省多伦多,M5S1V4, 1 416 978 3273, %K男同性恋者%K艾滋病毒预防%K互联网%K在线推广%K男男性行为者%K艾滋病毒/艾滋病%K性健康%K移动技术与性健康%D 2015 %7 2015.09.12 %9原文%J J医学互联网研究%G英语%X背景资料:利用互联网寻求与其他男性发生性行为的男子(MISM)越来越多地利用互联网查找性健康信息和寻找性伴侣,一些研究表明,艾滋病毒的传播与网上的性伙伴关系有关。一些艾滋病服务组织(ASOs)通过性社交网站和移动应用程序提供在线推广服务,旨在“满足男性的需求”。目的:探讨中小学生网络外展的体验和自我感知影响。方法:从2013年12月至2014年1月,从安大略省的互联网网站、移动应用程序和aso中招募16岁及以上的MISM,完成一份15分钟的匿名在线问卷,调查他们的在线外展体验。使用反向逐步多变量logistic回归(P< 0.05)评估与遇到在线外展相关的人口统计学因素。0.05为显著)。结果:在完成调查的1830名MISM中,8.25%(151/1830)报告了在线外展服务的直接经验。原住民与白人、来自多伦多的MISM与来自安大略省东部或西南部的MISM相比,以及接受任何社会援助的MISM更有可能遇到在线外联。 MISM who experienced online outreach felt the service provider was friendly (130/141, 92.2%), easy to understand (122/140, 87.1%), helpful (115/139, 82.7%), prompt (107/143, 74.8%), and knowledgeable (92/134, 68.7%); half reported they received a useful referral (49/98, 50%). Few MISM felt the interaction was annoying (13/141, 9.2%) or confusing (18/142, 12.7%). As a result of their last online outreach encounter, MISM reported the following: better understanding of (88/147, 59.9%) and comfort with (75/147, 51.0%) their level of sexual risk; increased knowledge (71/147, 48.3%); and feeling less anxious (51/147, 34.7%), better connected (46/147, 31.3%), and more empowered (40/147, 27.2%). Behaviorally, they reported using condoms more frequently (48/147, 32.7%) and effectively (35/147, 23.8%); getting tested for HIV (43/125, 34.4%) or STIs (42/147, 28.6%); asking for their partners’ HIV statuses (37/147, 25.2%); and serosorting (26/147, 17.7%). Few MISM reported no changes (15/147, 10.2%) and most would use these services again (98/117, 83.8%). Most MISM who did not use online outreach said they did not need these services (1074/1559, 68.89%) or were unaware of them (496/1559, 31.82%). Conclusions: This is the first online outreach evaluation study of MISM in Canada. Online outreach services are a relatively new and underdeveloped area of intervention, but are a promising health promotion strategy to provide service referrals and engage diverse groups of MISM in sexual health education. %M 26681440 %R 10.2196/jmir.4503 %U // %U %U