%0期刊文章@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR Publicat卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析ions Inc. %V 16% N 9% P e212% T互联网搜索和俄罗斯联邦Krokodil:An infosurveillance Study %A Zheluk,Andrey %A Quinn,Casey %A Meylakhs,Peter %+ Menzies卫生政策中心,悉尼大学,D02 Victor Coppleson Building,悉尼大学,2006,澳大利亚,61 29036522,andreyzheluk@gmail.com %K俄罗斯%K搜索引擎%K监测%K受控药物%K设计毒品%K街头毒品%D 2014 %7 18.09.2014 %9原始论文%J J Med Internet Res %G英文%X背景:Krokodil是由含可待因的药物(CCM)在国内制备的廉价可注射非法药物的非正式术语。krokodil的制备方法可能会产生去吗啡以及引起广泛组织坏死的有毒反应物。俄罗斯首次证实使用克罗地尔的报告发生在2004年。2012年,在俄罗斯以外的西欧和美国,开始出现与鳄鱼毒相关的注射伤害报告。目的:这项探索性研究有两个主要目标:(1)确定互联网搜索模式是否可以在人口水平上检测俄罗斯CCM政策的行为反应的规律,以及(2)确定补充数据源是否可以解释我们观察到的规律。方法:首先,我们获得了2011年至2012年俄罗斯每个分区(州)的krokodil相关搜索模式数据。其次,我们分析了几个补充数据源,包括与krokodil相关的法院案件,以及谷歌和Yandex上的相关搜索词,以评估与krokodil相关的搜索查询伴随的词的特征。结果:在CCM销售限制之前的6个月里,俄罗斯83个州中有21个州的搜索率高于全国平均水平(平均),每10万人中有16.67次搜索与krokodil相关的术语。 In the 6 months following restrictions, mean national searches dropped to 9.65 per 100,000. Further, the number of oblasts recording a higher than average search rate dropped from 30 to 16. Second, we found krokodil-related court appearances were moderately positively correlated (Spearman correlation=.506, P≤.001) with behaviors consistent with an interest in the production and use of krokodil across Russia. Finally, Google Trends and Google and Yandex related terms suggested consistent public interest in the production and use of krokodil as well as for CCM as analgesic medication during the date range covered by this study. Conclusions: Illicit drug use data are generally regarded as difficult to obtain through traditional survey methods. Our analysis suggests it is plausible that Yandex search behavior served as a proxy for patterns of krokodil production and use during the date range we investigated. More generally, this study demonstrates the application of novel methods recently used by policy makers to both monitor illicit drug use and influence drug policy decision making. %M 25236385 %R 10.2196/jmir.3203 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2014/9/e212/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3203 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25236385