%0期刊文章@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版公司%V 16卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 5% P e122% T基于网络的认知训练:A Tedim Cruz,Vítor %A Pais,Joana %A Alves,Ivânia %A Ruano,Luís %A Mateus,Cátia %A Barreto,Rui %A Bento,Virgílio %A Colunas,Márcio %A Rocha,Nelson %A Coutinho,Paula %+医院São Sebastião,神经内科,Douro e Vouga Entre医院中心,Rua Candido de Pinho医生,Santa Maria da Feira, 4520-211,葡萄牙,351 912582120,vitor.cruz@chedv.min-saude.pt %K认知训练%K神经康复%K网络训练%K电子健康系统%K训练强度%K坚持%K记忆诊所%D 2014 %7 07.05.2014 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:认知训练在认知缺陷患者的治疗中发挥着越来越大的作用。这种类型的干预,即其强度,可以通过结合基于信息技术的系统来优化。目的:本研究的目的是确定治疗强度和患者坚持以家庭为基础的认知训练策略(基于网络的认知训练)。方法:45例参加记忆门诊的神经和精神疾病患者(平均年龄50.7岁,SD 17.0;平均受教育年限为7.8年,SD为4.9年),随访时间超过18个月。参与者被要求每天使用基于网络的认知训练系统“COGWEB”,并在远程监督下完成至少四周的训练。此外,11名患者参加了面对面的会议。结果:连续认知训练平均持续时间为18.8周(SD 18.9)。 Each patient performed on average 363.5 minutes/week (SD 136.6). At 6-month follow-up, 82.8% complied with their treatment plan. The average proportion of complete weeks was 0.75 (SD 0.22). Patients with dementia trained more intensively (444.6 minutes/week), followed by patients with static brain lesion (414.5 minutes/week; P=.01). The group that held face-to-face sessions performed more training overall (481.4 vs 366.9 minutes/week), achieving a stronger expression and statistical significance in the last week of training (652.6 versus 354.9 minutes/week, P=.027). Conclusions: Overall, the weekly training intensity was high. Patients with dementia and static lesions performed more cognitive training. Face-to-face sessions were associated with higher intensities. The combination of classical methods with information technology systems seems to ensure greater training intensity. %M 24808451 %R 10.2196/jmir.3377 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2014/5/e122/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3377 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24808451