杂志文章@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR Publicatio卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析ns Inc. V 16% N 1% P e2 %T协作的心理测量特性:巴尔,保罗·詹姆斯,汤普森,雷切尔·沃尔什,汤姆·格兰德,斯图尔特·奥扎尼,艾丽莎·埃尔温,格林+达特茅斯学院,达特茅斯医疗保健交付科学中心,美国汉诺威,杜威菲尔德路37号,NH, 03755, 1 1 603 646 2295,glynelwyn@gmail.com %K决策%K医患关系%K心理测量/仪器%K患者参与%K问卷%K互联网%D 2014年%7 03.01.2014年%9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:以患者为中心的医疗保健是当前卫生政策议程的核心组成部分。共享决策(SDM)被认为是患者参与的顶峰,促进这一点的方法正变得司空见惯。然而,SDM的测量仍然具有挑战性。回顾强调了需要一种实际、有效和可靠的患者报告的SDM措施,以协助实施工作。在与患者的协商中,我们开发了协作,SDM过程的3项测量。目的:需要对SDM过程进行可扩展的患者报告测量。在当前的项目中,我们评估了协作的心理测量特性。方法:2013年1月,在网上招募了美国人口的代表性样本,并随机分配观看6次模拟医患相遇中的1次。 Three dimensions of SDM were manipulated in the encounters: (1) explanation of the health issue, (2) elicitation of patient preferences, and (3) integration of patient preferences. Participants then completed CollaboRATE (possible scores 0-100) in addition to 2 other patient-reported measures of SDM: the 9-item Shared Decision Decision Making Questionnaire (SDM-Q-9) and the Doctor Facilitation subscale of the Patient’s Perceived Involvement in Care Scale (PICS). A subsample of participants was resurveyed between 7 and 14 days after the initial survey. We assessed CollaboRATE’s discriminative, concurrent, and divergent validity, intrarater reliability, and sensitivity to change. Results: The final sample consisted of 1341 participants. CollaboRATE demonstrated discriminative validity, with a significant increase in CollaboRATE score as the number of core dimensions of SDM increased from zero (mean score: 46.0, 95% CI 42.4-49.6) to 3 (mean score 85.8, 95% CI 83.2-88.4). CollaboRATE also demonstrated concurrent validity with other measures of SDM, excellent intrarater reliability, and sensitivity to change; however, divergent validity was not demonstrated. Conclusions: The fast and frugal nature of CollaboRATE lends itself to routine clinical use. Further assessment of CollaboRATE in real-world settings is required. %M 24389354 %R 10.2196/jmir.3085 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2014/1/e2/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3085 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24389354