%0期刊文章@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版公司V 16%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 12% P e26% T为维基百科上的健康相关文章贡献的动机:访谈研究%A Farič, nuka %A Potts,Henry WW %+ UCL,卫生信息学和多专业教育中心(CHIME),伦敦大学学院,法尔卫生信息学研究所,222 Euston Road,伦敦,NW1 2DA,英国,44 (0)20 3549,nfaric@gmail.com %K动机%K写作%K社交媒体%K维基%K维基%K消费者健康信息%D 2014 %7 03.12.2014 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:维基百科是访问最多的在线健康信息来源之一。目前的英文维基百科包含超过2.8万篇与健康有关的文章。目的:目的是描述个人在英文维基百科上贡献健康内容的动机。方法:随机选择了一组与健康相关的文章,并邀请最近的贡献者完成在线问卷调查和后续访谈(通过Skype、电子邮件或面对面)。访谈记录和分析使用主题分析和现实主义接地理论的方法。结果:共有32名维基人(31名男性)完成了问卷调查,17人接受了采访。完成问卷调查的人平均年龄为39岁(12-59岁);16人拥有研究生学历,10人拥有或正在攻读本科学历,3人受过中等以上教育,3人仍在接受中等教育。 In all, 15 were currently working in a health-related field (primarily clinicians). The median period for which they have been an active editing Wikipedia was 3-5 years. Of this group, 12 were in the United States, 6 were in the United Kingdom, 4 were in Canada, and the remainder from another 8 countries. Two-thirds spoke more than 1 language and 90% (29/32) were also active contributors in domains other than health. Wikipedians in this study were identified as health professionals, professionals with specific health interests, students, and individuals with health problems. Based on the interviews, their motivations for editing health-related content were summarized in 5 strongly interrelated categories: education (learning about subjects by editing articles), help (wanting to improve and maintain Wikipedia), responsibility (responsibility, often a professional responsibility, to provide good quality health information to readers), fulfillment (editing Wikipedia as a fun, relaxing, engaging, and rewarding activity), and positive attitude to Wikipedia (belief in the value of Wikipedia). An additional factor, hostility (from other contributors), was identified that negatively affected Wikipedians’ motivations. Conclusions: Contributions to Wikipedia’s health-related content in this study were made by both health specialists and laypeople of varying editorial skills. Their motivations for contributing stem from an inherent drive based on values, standards, and beliefs. It became apparent that the community who most actively monitor and edit health-related articles is very small. Although some contributors correspond to a model of “knowledge philanthropists,” others were focused on maintaining articles (improving spelling and grammar, organization, and handling vandalism). There is a need for more people to be involved in Wikipedia’s health-related content. %M 25498308 %R 10.2196/jmir.3569 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2014/12/e260/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3569 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25498308