杂志文章@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版公司V 16% N卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 11% P 234% T基于web的减肥计划中饮食行为的变化:研究完成人的纵向分析%A Svensson,Madeleine %A Hult,Mari %A van der Mark,Marianne %A Grotta,Alessandra %A Jonasson,Josefine %A von hauswolff - juhlin,Yvonne %A Rössner,Stephan %A Trolle Lagerros,Ylva + Halmstad大学卫生与社会科学系福利健康与体育研究中心,Box 823, Halmstad, SE-30118,瑞典,46 35167100,Madeleine.Svensson@hh.se %K行为%K咨询%K饮食%K饮食%K方法%K问卷%K互联网%K减肥%K TFEQ %D 2014 %7 03.11.2014 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:饮食行为是减肥计划中必不可少的组成部分,但有限的研究探索了网络减肥计划中的饮食行为。目的:目的是评估一个交互式的基于网络的饮食行为减肥计划,使用18项三因素饮食问卷修订(TFEQ-R18),测量无控制的饮食,情绪化的饮食和认知克制的饮食。我们基于网络的减肥计划包括关于健康生活方式选择的信息、每周与专家的聊天、社交网络功能、食谱搜索数据库,以及允许会员在网站上自我报告和跟踪他们的体重、体育活动和饮食摄入量的功能。方法:在注册减肥计划时,23333名成员同意参加这项研究。然后要求参与者在基线和参与3个月和6个月后完成TFEQ-R18问卷。所有数据收集都是在线进行的,没有面对面的接触。为了研究TFEQ-R18饮食行为的变化,我们将研究限制在完成所有3份TFEQ-R18问卷的成员中。这些参与者被定义为“完成者”,其余被定义为“未完成者”。 The relationships between sex, change in eating behaviors, and total weight loss were studied using repeated measures ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: In total, 22,800 individuals participated (females: 19,065/22,800, 83.62%; mean age 39.6, SD 11.4 years; BMI 29.0 kg/m2; males: 3735/22,800, 16.38%; mean age 43.2, SD 11.7 years; BMI 30.8 kg/m2). Noncompleters (n=22,180) were younger and reported a lower score of uncontrolled eating and a higher score of cognitive restrained eating. Over time, completers (n=620) decreased their uncontrolled eating score (from 56.3 to 32.0; P<.001) and increased their cognitive restrained eating (from 50.6 to 62.9; P<.001). Males decreased their emotional eating (from 57.2 to 35.9; P<.001), but no significant change was found among females. The baseline cognitive restrained eating score was significantly and positively associated with weight loss for completers in both men (P=.02) and women (P=.002). Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the largest TFEQ sample that has been documented. This Web-based weight loss intervention suggests that eating behaviors (cognitive restrained eating, uncontrolled eating, and emotional eating) measured by TFEQ-R18 were significantly changed during 6 months of participation. Our findings indicate differences in eating behaviors with respect to sex, but should be interpreted with caution because attrition was high. %M 25367316 %R 10.2196/jmir.3131 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2014/11/e234/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3131 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25367316