布雷迪,克里斯托弗·J·A·维拉蒂,安德里亚·C·A·皮尔森,詹妮弗·卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析L·A·基什纳,托马斯·R·A·古普塔,奥梅什·P·A·沙阿,齐拉格·P·+威尔默眼科研究所,约翰·霍普金斯大学医学院,600 N沃尔夫街,莫梅尼711,巴尔的摩,马里兰州,21287,美国,1 (410)502 2789,brady@jhmi.edu %K糖尿病视网膜病变%K远程医疗%K眼底摄影%K众包%K亚马逊机械土耳其%D 2014 %7 30.10.2014 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:糖尿病视网膜病变筛查既有效又经济,但筛查依从性仍然不理想。随着筛查的改进,处理筛查数据的新方法可能有助于减少人力资源的需求。众包已经在许多情况下用于利用分布式人类智能来完成小任务,包括图像分类。目的:我们的目标是开发并验证一种新的眼底照片分级方法。方法:为亚马逊土耳其机器人众包平台开发了一个用于眼底照片分类的界面。我们发布了19张专家分级的图片供土耳其人分级,每张照片重复10次,作为最初的概念验证(第一阶段)。土耳其人每张图片获得0.10美元的报酬。在第二阶段,来自四个分级类别的每个原型图像收到500个独特的土耳其人解释。然后使用50次1-50个土耳其人的抽签来估计从随机抽取的人群规模增加的样本中获得的准确性方差,以确定产生有效结果所需的最小土耳其人数量。在第三阶段,对界面进行了修改,试图提高Turker分级。 Results: Across 230 grading instances in the normal versus abnormal arm of Phase I, 187 images (81.3%) were correctly classified by Turkers. Average time to grade each image was 25 seconds, including time to review training images. With the addition of grading categories, time to grade each image increased and percentage of images graded correctly decreased. In Phase II, area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) indicated that sensitivity and specificity were maximized after 7 graders for ratings of normal versus abnormal (AUC=0.98) but was significantly reduced (AUC=0.63) when Turkers were asked to specify the level of severity. With improvements to the interface in Phase III, correctly classified images by the mean Turker grade in four-category grading increased to a maximum of 52.6% (10/19 images) from 26.3% (5/19 images). Throughout all trials, 100% sensitivity for normal versus abnormal was maintained. Conclusions: With minimal training, the Amazon Mechanical Turk workforce can rapidly and correctly categorize fundus photos of diabetic patients as normal or abnormal, though further refinement of the methodology is needed to improve Turker ratings of the degree of retinopathy. Images were interpreted for a total cost of US $1.10 per eye. Crowdsourcing may offer a novel and inexpensive means to reduce the skilled grader burden and increase screening for diabetic retinopathy. %M 25356929 %R 10.2196/jmir.3807 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2014/10/e233/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3807 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25356929