% 0期刊文章% @ 14388871 V %我JMIR出版物Inc卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 . % 15% 9% N P e211 % T社会和反思的使用一个基于web的个人健康管理系统控制% Lau,安妮y %邓恩,亚当克%莫蒂默,Nathan %加拉格尔,Aideen % Proudfoot,朱迪斯·安德鲁斯%,安妮% Liaw, Siaw-Teng % crimmin,杰西塔% Arguel, Amael % Coiera,恩里科% +卫生信息学中心,澳大利亚卫生研究所的创新,新南威尔士大学,卫生信息学中心澳大利亚健康创新研究所,新南威尔士大学,悉尼,2052,澳大利亚,61 431599890,a.lau@unsw.edu.au %K个人健康记录%K社交网络%K互联网干预%K健康服务%K寻求帮助%K情绪健康%K身体健康%K预防性健康%K电子健康%K消费者%K大学%D 2013 %7 23.09.2013 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:个人控制健康管理系统(PCHMSs)包含一系列功能来帮助患者和消费者管理他们的健康。然而,目前尚不清楚消费者在日常设置中如何实际使用PCHMS。目的:对消费者如何使用基于web的PCHMS的社会(论坛和投票)和自我反思(日记和个人健康记录[PHR])功能进行实证分析,这些功能旨在支持他们的身体和情感健康。方法:进行了一项单组测试前/测试后在线前瞻性研究,以测量在大学学术学期中基于网络的PCHMS对身体和情感健康需求的使用。PCHMS将一个不受约束的PHR与社会论坛、投票、日记以及与健康服务提供商的在线消息链接集成在一起。幸福之旅还提供信息,鼓励临床医生和卫生服务机构参与。研究人员在线招募了1985名年龄在18岁及以上、能上网的学生和工作人员,其中709人符合分析条件。采用卡方检验、McNemar检验和学生t检验对参与者自我报告的幸福感、健康状况、卫生服务利用率和求助行为进行比较。 Social networks were constructed to examine the online forum communication patterns among consumers and clinicians. Results: The two PCHMS features that were used most frequently and considered most useful and engaging were the social features (ie, the poll and forum). More than 30% (213/709) of participants who sought well-being assistance during the study indicated that other people had influenced their decision to seek help (54.4%, 386/709 sought assistance for physical well-being; 31.7%, 225/709 for emotional well-being). Although the prevalence of using a self-reflective feature (diary or PHR) was not as high (diary: 8.6%, 61/709; PHR: 15.0%, 106/709), the proportion of participants who visited a health care professional during the study was more than 20% greater in the group that did use a self-reflective feature (diary: P=.03; PHR: P<.001). Conclusions: There was variation in the degree to which consumers used social and self-reflective PCHMS features but both were significantly associated with increased help-seeking behaviors and health service utilization. A PCHMS should combine both self-reflective as well as socially driven components to most effectively influence consumers’ help-seeking behaviors. %M 24064188 %R 10.2196/jmir.2682 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2013/9/e211/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2682 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24064188