网络使用对老年人孤独感和与他人接触的影响:横断面分析%,Cotten希莉娅R %安德森,威廉·麦卡洛的%,布M % +伯明翰阿拉巴马大学,社会学,HHB 460 n, 1720第二大道南,伯明翰,35294 - 1152,美国,1 205 934 8678, % K电脑% K互联网% K孤独% K社会隔离% K社会互动% K % K辅助生活设施% K老年人独立生活% D原始论文7 28.02.2013 % 9 2013% % J J互联网Res % G英语% X背景:老年人经历孤独和抑郁的风险增加,特别是当他们搬到不同类型的护理社区时。信息和通信技术(ICT)的使用可以帮助老年人保持与社会关系的联系。然而,关于信息通信技术的使用是否增加或减少老年人的孤立和孤独,先前的研究并不一致。目的:本研究的目的是探讨互联网使用如何影响老年人在辅助生活和独立生活社区的社会隔离和孤独感。我们还调查了人们对互联网使用如何影响沟通和社交的看法。方法:使用了来自阿拉巴马州辅助和独立生活社区中老年人使用ICT的一项正在进行的研究的一波数据。回归分析用于确定上网频率与孤立和孤独(n=205)和互联网使用对沟通和社会互动影响的感知(n=60)之间的关系。结果:在控制了朋友和家人的数量、身体/情感社交限制、年龄和研究类别后,上网频率每增加1分,孤独得分就会降低0.147分(P=.005)。 Going online was not associated with perceived social isolation (P=.14). Among the measures of perception of the social effects of the Internet, each 1-point increase in the frequency of going online was associated with an increase in agreement that using the Internet had: (1) made it easier to reach people (b=0.508, P<.001), (2) contributed to the ability to stay in touch (b=0.516, P<.001), (3) made it easier to meet new people (b=0.297, P=.01, (4) increased the quantity of communication with others (b=0.306, P=.01), (5) made the respondent feel less isolated (b=0.491, P<.001), (6) helped the respondent feel more connected to friends and family (b=0.392, P=.001), and (7) increased the quality of communication with others (b=0.289, P=.01). Conclusions: Using the Internet may be beneficial for decreasing loneliness and increasing social contact among older adults in assisted and independent living communities. %M 23448864 %R 10.2196/jmir.2306 %U // %U %U