杂志文章@ 14388871 % JMIR出版公司评估远程医疗保健计卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析划中糖尿病患者的自我管理行为:历时18个月的纵向研究%陈阿琴,%庄丽琴,%张丽明,%王嘉贤,%王阿琴,%钟秋祥,%彭玉芳,%陈慧玉,%许慧春,%林玉玲,%陈玉生,%李怡德,%张宏昌,%谭佳婷,%张佳婷,%赖新禄,%费培+台大生物医学电子与生物资讯研究所,台北市,10617,886 933846944, d98945012@ntu.edu.tw %K互联网%K糖尿病%K远程医疗%K自我护理%K在线系统%K个人健康记录%K患者访问记录%D 2013 %7 09.12.2013 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:自我管理是糖尿病患者的一项重要技能,它涉及频繁监测血糖水平和行为矫正。促进糖尿病患者行为改变的技术已经开发出来,如糖尿病自我管理教育和远程保健。虽然患者从事自我管理活动,行为改变的障碍仍然存在,需要进一步的工作来解决电子媒体和远程医疗对患者自我护理行为的影响。目的:本研究的目的是(1)探讨糖尿病患者与在线应用程序交互的行为,(2)确定远程医疗保健计划对患者7种自我护理行为的影响,(3)确定糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)水平的变化。方法:实施远程医疗项目,协助患者开展7项自我护理活动。远程医疗项目持续了18个月,包括使用第三代移动电信血糖仪、在线糖尿病自我管理系统和远程咨询服务。我们分析了59名参加远程医疗计划的患者和103名未参加远程医疗计划的患者的数据。收集行为评估和HbA1c数据并进行统计分析,以确定远程医疗服务是否对患者产生了影响。 We divided the 18-month period into 3 6-month intervals and analyzed the parameters of patients assisted by the telehealthcare service at different time points. We also compared the results of those who were assisted by the telehealthcare service with those who were not. Results: There was a significant difference in monitoring blood glucose between the beginning and the end of the patient participation (P=.046) and between the overall period and the end of patient participation (P<.001). Five behaviors were significantly different between the intervention and control patients: being active (P<.001), healthy eating (P<.001), taking medication (P<.001), healthy coping (P=.02), and problem solving (P<.001). Monitoring of blood glucose was significantly different (P=.02) during the 6-12 month stage of patient participation between the intervention and control patients. A significant difference between the beginning and the 6-12 month stage of patient participation was observed for the mean value of HbA1c level (P=.02), and the differences between the overall HbA1c variability and the variability of each 6-month interval was also significant. Conclusions: Telehealthcare had a positive effect on diabetic patients. This study had enhanced blood glucose monitoring, and the patients in the program showed improvements in glycemic control. The self-care behaviors affect patient outcomes, and the changes of behavior require time to show the effects. %M 24323283 %R 10.2196/jmir.2699 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2013/12/e266/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2699 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24323283