% 0期刊文章% @ 1438 - 8871 V %我Gunther Eysenbach % 14% 6% N P e169 % T评估基于web的临床实践指南与大麻相关管理问题使用% Norberg,梅丽莎·M %特纳,迈克尔W %看上去莎莉E %兰顿,茱莉亚M %盖茨,彼得·J % +新南威尔士大学,国家大麻预防和信息中心,邮政信箱684,Randwick, 2031年,澳大利亚,61年293850260,m.norberg@unsw.edu.au %K大麻%K大麻滥用%K成瘾%K心理治疗%K标准%K信息传播%K健康计划实施%K互联网%D 2012 %7 07.12.2012 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:大麻是使用最广泛的非法物质,存在多种治疗选择和管理其使用的途径。临床实践指南(CPGs)的发展有所增加,以提高这一领域的护理标准,其中许多在网上传播。然而,人们对这些在线cpg的质量和可获得性知之甚少。目的:研究1的目的是确定在线传播的大麻相关cpg在多大程度上遵守既定的方法学标准。研究2的目的是确定治疗提供者是否熟悉这些指南,并评估他们对这些指南的感知质量。方法:研究1使用谷歌Scholar搜索引擎和澳大利亚酒精和其他药物理事会(ADCA)的国家药品部门信息服务(NDSIS)网站进行系统搜索,以识别在线传播的cpg。要纳入目前的研究,cpg需要是免费的,并为减少大麻使用的心理干预提供指导。四名训练有素的评审员使用研究和评价指南评估(AGREE II)工具独立评估了这7份确定的指南的质量。研究2通过在线调查评估了166名澳大利亚大麻使用治疗提供者(平均年龄为45.47岁,标准差为12.14)对这7项指南的熟悉程度和意见。 Treatment providers were recruited using online advertisements that directed volunteers to a link to complete the survey, which was posted online for 6 months (January to June 2012). Primary study outcomes included quality scores and rates of guideline familiarity, guideline use, and discovery methods. Results: Based on the AGREE II, the quality of CPGs varied considerably. Across different reporting domains, adherence to methodological standards ranged from 0% to 92%. Quality was lowest in the domains of rigor of development (50%), applicability (46%), and editorial independence (30%). Although examination of AGREE II domain scores demonstrated that the quality of the 7 guidelines could be divided into 3 categories (high quality, acceptable to low quality, and very low quality), review of treatment providers’ quality perceptions indicated all guidelines fell into 1 category (acceptable quality). Based on treatment providers’ familiarity with and usage rates of the CPGs, a combination of peer/colleagues, senior professionals, workshops, and Internet dissemination was deemed to be most effective for promoting cannabis use CPGs. Lack of time, guideline length, conflicts with theoretical orientation, and prior content knowledge were identified as barriers to guideline uptake. Conclusions: Developers of CPGs should improve their reporting of development processes, conflicts of interest, and CPGs’ applicability to practice, while remaining cognizant that long guidelines may deter implementation. Treatment providers need to be aware that the quality of cannabis-related CPGs varies substantially. %M 23249447 %R 10.2196/jmir.2319 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2012/6/e169/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2319 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23249447