%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I Gunther Eysenbach %V 14% N 6% P e151% T pro -厌食症和pro -康复图片分享:两个战争部落的故事%A Yom-Tov,Elad %A Fernandez-Luque,Luis %A Weber,Ingmar %A Crain,Steven P %+ Northern Research Institute, Postboks 6434 Forskningsparken,特罗姆瑟,9294,挪威,47 93421287,luis.luque@norut.no %K医学信息学%K互联网%K照片%K饮食失调%K神经性厌食症%K Social Network %D 2012 %7 07.11.2012 %9原始论文%J J Med Internet Res %G English %X背景:广泛使用互联网来促进厌食症作为一种生活方式的选择。支持厌食症的内容可能对受影响或有厌食症风险的人有害。该运动积极参与在Flickr等社交网络上分享照片。目的:研究传播鼓励饮食失调(俗称“厌食症”)内容的网络社区的特征,并调查发布以恢复为导向的内容是否会阻碍此类内容的发布。方法:从照片分享网站Flickr中提取491名用户的242710张照片,并对其中四个独立的社交网络进行分析。结果:支持厌食症和支持康复的社区之间的互动程度远远高于接触者分布的预期(只有59-72%的接触者和74-83%的评论是在社区内部发表的)。支持康复的用户使用类似于支持厌食症的用户使用的词语来描述他们的照片,可能是为了确保当支持厌食症的用户搜索图片时,他们的内容出现。看到相反阵营评论的支持厌食症的用户比没有收到评论的用户更不可能停止发布支持厌食症的照片(46%对61%),如果他们停止,他们会在大约三个月后停止。我们的观察显示了两个高度活跃的社区,其中大多数互动都发生在每个社区内部。 However, the pro-recovery community takes steps to ensure that their content is visible to the pro-anorexia community, both by using textual descriptions of their photographs that are similar to those used by the pro-anorexia group and by commenting to pro-anorexia content. The latter activity is, however, counterproductive, as it entrenches pro-anorexia users in their stance. Conclusions: Our results highlight the nature of pro-anorexia and pro-recovery photo sharing and accentuate the need for clinicians to be aware of such content and its effect on their patients. Our findings suggest that some currently used interventions are not useful in helping pro-anorexia users recover. Thus, future work should focus on new intervention methods, possibly tailored to individual characteristics. %M 23134671 %R 10.2196/jmir.2239 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2012/6/e151/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2239 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23134671