%0杂志文章%@ 1438- 8871% I Gunther Eysenbach %V 14% N 5% P e127% T年轻人想从性健康网站得到什么:设计和开发Sexunzipped %A McCarthy,Ona %A Carswell,Kenneth %A Murray,Elizabeth %A Free,Caroline %A Stevenson,Fiona %A Bailey,Julia V +电子健康单元,伦敦大学学院初级保健和人口健康研究部,皇家自由医院,罗兰山街,英国,NW3 2PF,伦敦,44 (0)20 7794 0500,omccarthy@tccr.org.uk %K性教育%K青少年%K青年%K定性研究%D 2012 %7 12.10.2012 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:英国的性健康教育质量参差,通常侧重于性的生物学方面,而不是沟通、关系和性快感。互联网为向年轻人提供性健康教育提供了一个独特的机会,因为他们可能很难参与其中,但经常将互联网作为健康信息资源。目的:通过定性研究探讨年轻人对性健康网站的哪些元素具有吸引力和吸引力的看法,以及他们对sexunzip干预网站的内容、设计和互动功能的看法。方法:我们在英国伦敦招募了67名16-22岁的年轻人。我们举办了21个焦点小组和6个一对一访谈,以确定性健康的优先事项,对网站外观和感觉的看法,以及性健康网站的哪些功能会吸引和吸引他们。两名研究人员为焦点小组提供了便利,他们使用半结构化的主题指南来引导讨论,并提出开放性问题以引出一系列观点。讨论和采访都录了录音,并对录音中的关键问题做了详细的笔记。年轻人的观点影响了Sexunzipped的内容和互动功能的设计模板。 Results: Young people particularly wanted straightforward information on sexual pleasure, sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy, how to communicate with partners, how to develop skills in giving pleasure, and emotions involved in sex and relationships. Focus group participants wanted social interaction with other young people online and wanted to see themselves reflected in some way such as through images or videos. Conclusions: While it is challenging to meet all of young people’s technological and design requirements, consultation with the target audience is valuable and necessary in developing an online sexual health intervention. Young people are willing to talk about sensitive issues, enjoy the discussions, and can offer key insights that influence intervention development. %M 23060424 %R 10.2196/jmir.2116 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2012/5/e127/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2116 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23060424