%0期刊文章@ 1438-8871 %I Gunther Eysenbach %V 14% N 5% P 117% T了解影响医生采用和有意义地使用社交媒体分享医疗信息的因素A McGowan,Brian S %A Wasko,Molly %A Vartabedian,Bryan Steven %A Miller,Robert S %A Freiherr,Desirae D %A Abdolrasulnia,Maziar %+教育技术顾问,225坎特伯雷Ct,蓝贝尔,宾夕法尼亚州,19047,美国,1 267 603 2510,drbrianmcgowan@gmail.com %K社交媒体%K继续医学教育%K医生和社交媒体%K医生-医生关系%K肿瘤学家%K初级保健医生%K教育技术%K医生的实践模式%D 2012 %7 24.09.2012 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:在医学界,关于通过社交媒体获得的信息是否可信和有效,以及医生是否准备好采用这些技术,并最终将其作为专业发展和终身学习的形式,一直存在着争论。目的:确定医生如何使用社交媒体与其他医生分享和交换医疗信息,并确定影响医生使用社交媒体作为其终身学习和持续专业发展的组成部分的因素。方法:我们开发了一种基于技术接受模型的调查工具,假设医生对技术的态度、对技术的有用性和易用性的看法以及个人创新等个人因素可以最好地预测技术的使用。该调查于2011年3月通过电子邮件随机分发给1695名美国执业肿瘤学家和初级保健医生。对485名医生的回答进行分析(回应率28.61%)。结果:总体而言,485名受访者中有117人(24.1%)每天或每天多次使用社交媒体扫描或浏览医疗信息,而485人中有69人(14.2%)每天通过社交媒体提供新的信息。在每周或更长的时间内,485人中有296人(61.0%)进行扫描,485人中有223人(46.0%)进行贡献。在对使用社交媒体的态度方面,485名受访者中有279人(57.5%)认为社交媒体是有益的、吸引人的,是获取当前高质量信息的好方法。 In terms of usefulness, 281 of 485 (57.9%) of respondents stated that social media enabled them to care for patients more effectively, and 291 of 485 (60.0%) stated it improved the quality of patient care they delivered. The main factors influencing a physician’s usage of social media to share medical knowledge with other physicians were perceived ease of use and usefulness. Respondents who had positive attitudes toward the use of social media were more likely to use social media and to share medical information with other physicians through social media. Neither age nor gender had a significant impact on adoption or usage of social media. Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, the use of social media applications may be seen as an efficient and effective method for physicians to keep up-to-date and to share newly acquired medical knowledge with other physicians within the medical community and to improve the quality of patient care. Future studies are needed to examine the impact of the meaningful use of social media on physicians’ knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors in practice. %M 23006336 %R 10.2196/jmir.2138 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2012/5/e117/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2138 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23006336