杂志文章Gunther Eysenbach使用互联网了解吸烟者的治疗偏好:信息策略增加需求%A Westmaas,J Lee %A Abroms,Lorien %A Bontemps-Jones,Jeuneviette %A Bauer,Joseph E %A Bade,Jeanine %+行为研究中心,美国亚特兰大市威廉姆斯街250号,美国,30303,1 404 329 7730 ext 7730, lee.westmaas@cancer.org %K消费者需求%K药物治疗%K戒烟咨询%K戒烟%K社会支持%D 2011 %7 26.08.2011 %9原论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:大多数吸烟者试图自己戒烟,即使戒烟辅助工具可以大大增加他们成功的机会。数以百万计的吸烟者在互联网上寻求戒烟建议,因此利用它来推广戒烟产品和服务是增加治疗需求的一个策略。然而,对于这些吸烟者认为最吸引人的戒烟辅助工具是什么,或者是什么预测了他们的偏好(例如,年龄、依赖程度或戒烟日期的时间),我们知之甚少。目的:我们的研究目的是深入了解互联网戒烟信息搜索者如何对他们的治疗偏好做出判断,并确定偏好的社会人口学和其他预测因素。方法:一项在线调查评估了对9种循证戒烟产品和服务的兴趣,由访问美国癌症协会“伟大的美国戒烟”(GASO)网页的1196名吸烟者自愿完成。对兴趣等级进行聚类分析。结果:48%(572/1196)的受访者对尼古丁替代疗法(NRT)“相当”或“非常”感兴趣,45%(534/1196)对提供定制戒烟建议的网站感兴趣,37%(447/1196)对处方药感兴趣。只有11.5%(138/1196)的人表示对戒烟热线有类似的兴趣,17%(208/1196)的人表示对接收定制短信有类似的兴趣。 Hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis revealed that interest in treatments formed 3 clusters: interpersonal–supportive methods (eg, telephone counseling, Web-based peer support, and in-person group programs), nonsocial–informational methods (eg, Internet programs, tailored emails, and informational booklets), and pharmacotherapy (NRT, bupropion, and varenicline). Only 5% (60/1196) of smokers were “quite a bit” or “very much” interested in interpersonal–supportive methods compared with 25% (298/1196) for nonsocial–informational methods and 33% (399/1196) for pharmacotherapy. Multivariate analyses and follow-up comparisons indicated that level of interest in pharmacotherapy (“quite a bit or “very much” vs. “not at all”) varied as a function of education (n = 575, χ23 =16.6, P = .001), age (n = 528, χ23 = 8.2, P = .04), smoking level (n = 514, χ23 = 9.5, P = .02), and when smokers were planning to quit (n = 607, χ24 = 34.0, P < .001). Surprisingly, greater age was associated with stronger interest in nonsocial–informational methods (n = 367, χ23 = 10.8, P = .01). Interest in interpersonal–supportive methods was greater if smokers had used a quitline before (n = 259, χ21 = 18.3, P < .001), or were planning to quit earlier rather than later (n = 148, χ21 = 4.9, P = .03). Conclusions: Smokers accessing the Internet for information on quitting appear to differentiate cessation treatments by how much interpersonal interaction or support the treatment entails. Quitting date, smoking level, and sociodemographic variables can identify smokers with varying levels of interest in the 3 classes of cessation methods identified. These results can potentially be used to more effectively target and increase demand for these treatments among smokers searching the Internet for cessation information. %M 21873150 %R 10.2196/jmir.1666 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2011/3/e58/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1666 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21873150