在社交网站上受保护的健康信息:伦理和法律考虑%A Thompson,Lindsay A %A Black,Erik %A Duff,W Patrick %A Paradise Black,Nicole %A Saliba,Heidi %A Dawson,Kara %+佛罗里达大学儿科学系,1701 SW 16 Ave, Gainesville, FL, 32608,美国,1 352 334 1307,lathompson@peds.ufl.edu %K受保护的健康信息,医疗任务,互联网%D 2011 %7 19.01.2011 %9原始论文%J J Med Internet Res %G English %X背景:社交网站的使用在新兴医学专业人士中越来越普遍,医学院甚至报告了纪律处分的学生开除。使用社交网站的医疗专业人员有独特的责任,因为他们的帖子可能会侵犯患者的隐私。然而,尚不清楚学生和住院医生是否描述了受保护的健康信息,以及在什么情况或背景下描述了受保护的健康信息。目的:我们研究的目的是记录和描述在医学生和住院医生的Facebook资料中潜在的侵犯患者隐私的在线描述。方法:2007年和2009年,一个多学科团队在佛罗里达大学对所有医科学生和住院医生进行了两次横断面分析,以了解谁拥有Facebook个人资料。对于每个已识别的配置文件,我们手动扫描整个配置文件,以查找受保护健康信息的任何文本或图片表示,例如人物肖像、姓名、日期或程序描述。结果:几乎一半符合条件的学生和居民都有Facebook个人资料(49.8%,或n=1023 / 2053)。有12起潜在的患者违规事件,其中学生和住院医生张贴了他们为个人提供护理的照片。 No resident or student posted any identifiable patient information or likeness in text form. Each instance occurred in developing countries on apparent medical mission trips. These portrayals increased over time (1 in the 2007 cohort; 11 in 2009; P = .03). Medical students were more likely to have these potential violations on their profiles than residents (11 vs 1, P = .04), and there was no difference by gender. Photographs included trainees interacting with identifiable patients, all children, or performing medical examinations or procedures such as vaccinations of children. Conclusions: While students and residents in this study are posting photographs that are potentially violations of patient privacy, they only seem to make this lapse in the setting of medical mission trips. Trainees need to learn to equate standards of patient privacy in all medical contexts using both legal and ethical arguments to maintain the highest professional principles. We propose three practical guidelines. First, there should be a legal resource for physicians traveling on medical mission trips such as an online list of local laws, or a telephone legal contact. Second, institutions that organize medical mission trips should plan an ethics seminar prior the departure on any trip since the legal and ethical implications may not be intuitive. Finally, at minimum, traveling physicians should apply the strictest legal precedent to any situation. %M 21247862 %R 10.2196/jmir.1590 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2011/1/e8/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1590 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21247862