%0杂志文章@ 1438- 8871% I Gunther Eysenbach %V 13% N 1% P e2 %T哪些干预特征与更多地接触互联网提供的健康生活方式促进干预有关?系统综述%A Brouwer,Wendy %A Kroeze,Willemieke %A Crutzen,Rik %A de Nooijer,Jascha %A de Vries,Nanne K %A Brug,Johannes %A Oenema,Anke %+公共卫生部,Erasmus MC,大学医学中心鹿特丹,,邮政信箱2040,鹿特丹,3000 CA,荷兰,31 107038460,wendybrouwer73@gmail.com %K系统综述%K互联网%K互联网干预%K暴露%K行为改变%D 2011年%7 06.01.01 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:互联网已成为提供量身定制的健康生活方式促进干预措施的流行媒介。然而,互联网提供的干预措施的实际覆盖范围似乎低于预期,干预措施的损耗率普遍较高。干预措施的特点,如个人量身定制的反馈和目标设定,被认为是使用和接触干预措施的重要因素之一。然而,目前还没有系统地概述互联网提供的干预措施的哪些特征可能与更多的暴露有关。目的:本研究旨在确定(1)在现有的互联网干预措施中使用了哪些潜在的促进暴露的方法和策略,(2)哪些客观的结果测量方法用于衡量互联网干预措施的暴露程度,以及(3)哪些潜在的促进暴露的方法和策略与更好的暴露程度相关。方法:根据Cochrane指南对相关文献进行系统综述。研究人员在PubMed、PsycINFO和Web of Science数据库中搜索了1995年至2009年间发表的论文。总共纳入了64项研究,这些研究报告了客观的暴露指标,如首次访问的完成时间、登录次数和在网站上花费的时间。 Information about intervention-related characteristics (ie, interactive behavior change strategies, interactive elements for fun, peer or counsel support, email/phone contact, and regular updates of the website) that could potentially contribute to better exposure and objective exposure outcomes were abstracted from the studies and qualitative systematic descriptive analyses were performed. Results: The results showed that a large variety of behavior change techniques and other exposure-promoting elements were used in the interventions and that these methods and strategies varied for the various lifestyle behaviors. Feedback, interactive elements, and email/phone contact were used most often. In addition, there was much variety and a lack of consistency in the exposure measures that were reported. Of all the categories of intervention characteristics that may be associated with better exposure, there were indications that peer and counselor support result in a longer website visit and that email/phone contact and updates of the website result in more log-ins. Conclusions: Results of this qualitative systematic review indicate that of all intervention characteristics that could potentially enhance exposure, only peer support, counselor support, email/phone contact with visitors, and updates of the intervention website were related to better exposure. The diversity of intervention methods used and the inconsistency in the report of exposure measures prevented us from drawing firmer conclusions. More research is needed to identify whether other characteristics of Internet interventions are associated with greater exposure. %M 21212045 %R 10.2196/jmir.1639 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2011/1/e2/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1639 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21212045