%0杂志文章@ 1438-8871 %I Gunther Eysenbach %V 12% N 2% Pe 22% T健康信息技术促进医疗保健提供者、护理人员和儿科患者的沟通:A范围审查%A Gentles,Stephen James %A Lokker,Cynthia %A McKibbon,K Ann %+临床流行病学和生物统计学系,麦克马斯特大学,1280 Main St W, CRL 126, Hamilton, L8S 4K1,加拿大,1 905 525 9140 ext 22803, gentlesj@mcmaster.ca %K婴儿%K儿童%K青少年%K医生患者关系%K通信%K医学信息学%K应用%K计算机%K互联网%D 2010 %7 18.06.2010 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:有健康问题需要随访的儿科患者通常依赖护理人员代表他们与医疗保健提供者进行至少部分必要的双向沟通。卫生信息技术(HIT)及其子集信息通信技术(ICT)正在越来越多地应用于促进这些情况下卫生保健提供者和护理人员之间的沟通。目前缺乏对已发表的涉及以这种方式使用的HIT干预措施的研究的范围和性质的认识。目的:本范围综述旨在绘制有关HIT的健康文献,以促进涉及需要随访的健康状况的儿科患者的卫生保健提供者和护理人员(通常是家庭成员)的沟通。方法:结合1996 - 2008年MEDLINE、EMBASE和CINAHL中与护理提供、信息技术和儿科相关的术语进行检索。符合条件的研究在所有作者参与的三轮重复筛选后选择。提取并保存在Microsoft Access数据库中有关患者、护理人员、医疗保健提供者、HIT干预、研究结果和研究设计的数据。使用英国医学研究委员会(MRC)开发和评估复杂干预措施的框架对研究阶段进行了分类。 Quantitative and qualitative descriptive summaries are presented. Results: We included 104 eligible studies (112 articles) conducted in 17 different countries and representing 30 different health conditions. The most common conditions were asthma, type 1 diabetes, special needs, and psychiatric disorder. Most studies (88, 85%) included children 2 to 12 years of age, and 73 (71%) involved home care settings. Health care providers operated in hospital settings in 96 (92%) of the studies. Interventions featured 12 modes of communication (eg, Internet, intranets, telephone, video conferencing, email, short message service [SMS], and manual downloading of information) used to facilitate 15 categories of functions (eg, support, medication management, education, and monitoring). Numerous patient, caregiver, and health care relevant outcomes have been measured. Most outcomes concerned satisfaction, use, usability, feasibility, and resource use, although behavior changes and quality of life were also reported. Most studies (57 studies, 55%) were pilot phase, with a lesser proportion of development phase (24 studies, 23%) and evaluation phase (11 studies, 11%) studies. HIT interventions addressed several recurring themes in this review: establishing continuity of care, addressing time constraints, and bridging geographical barriers. Conclusions: HIT used in pediatric care involving caregivers has been implemented differently in a range of disease settings, with varying needs influencing the function, form and synchronicity of information transfer. Although some authors have followed a phased approach to development, evaluation and implementation, a greater emphasis on methodological standards such as the MRC guidance for complex interventions would produce more fruitful programs of development and more useful evaluations in the future. This review will be especially helpful to those deciding on areas where further development or research into HIT for this purpose may be warranted. %M 20562092 %R 10.2196/jmir.1390 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2010/2/e22/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1390 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20562092