杂志文章@ 14388871 % JMIR出版公司互联网使用对健康和卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析抑郁的影响:A纵向研究%A Bessière,Katie %A Pressman,Sarah %A Kiesler,Sara %A Kraut,Robert %+人机交互研究所,卡内基梅隆大学,5000福布斯大街,匹兹堡,15213,美国,1 412 268 7693,robert.kraut@cmu.edu %K抑郁症%K健康%K社会支持%K互联网%D 2010 %7 12.03.2010 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:互联网的迅速发展增加了公众获取医疗信息的方便性。大多数关于互联网对健康用途的研究都评估了信息本身的质量或检查了其对临床人群的影响。对于普通人群使用它的后果,人们知之甚少。目的:一般人群出于健康目的使用互联网是否与随后的心理健康和健康变化有关?健康个体和患病个体的效果不同吗?为健康目的使用互联网的影响是否与其他类型的互联网使用的影响不同?方法:数据来自于2000年至2002年对美国740人进行的全国性小组调查。在三项调查中,受访者描述了他们出于不同目的使用互联网的情况,指出他们是否患有13种严重疾病中的任何一种(或正在照顾患有严重疾病的人),并报告了他们的抑郁症。 In the initial and final surveys they also reported on their physical health. Lagged dependent variable regression analysis was used to predict changes in depression and general health reported on a later survey from frequency of different types of Internet use at an earlier period, holding constant prior depression and general health, respectively. Statistical interactions tested whether uses of the Internet predicted depression and general health differently for people who initially differed on their general health, chronic illness, and caregiver status. Results: Health-related Internet use was associated with small but reliable increases in depression (ie, increasing use of the Internet for health purposes from 3 to 5 days per week to once a day was associated with .11 standard deviations more symptoms of depression, P=.002). In contrast, using the Internet for communication with friends and family was associated with small but reliable decreases in depression (ie, increasing use of the Internet for communication with friends and family purposes from 3 to 5 days per week to once a day was associated with .07 standard deviations fewer symptoms of depression, P=.007). There were no significant effects of respondents’ initial health status (P=.234) or role as a caregiver (P=.911) on the association between health-related Internet use and depression. Neither type of use was associated with changes in general health (P=.705 for social uses and P=.494 for health uses). Conclusions: Using the Internet for health purposes was associated with increased depression. The increase may be due to increased rumination, unnecessary alarm, or over-attention to health problems. Additionally, those with unmeasured problems or those more prone to health anxiety may self-select online health resources. In contrast, using the Internet to communicate with friends and family was associated with declines in depression. This finding is comparable to other studies showing that social support is beneficial for well-being and lends support to the idea that the Internet is a way to strengthen and maintain social ties. %R 10.2196/jmir.1149 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2010/1/e6/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1149