杂志文章Gunther Eysenbach使用戒烟信息,互动和在线社区资源作为戒断的预测因素:队列研究%A An,Lawrence C %A Schillo,Barbara A %A Saul,Jessie E %A Wendling,Ann H %A Klatt,Colleen M %A Berg,Carla J %A Ahulwalia,Jasjit S %A Kavanaugh,Annette M %A Christenson,Matthew %A Luxenberg,Michael G %+明尼苏达大学梅奥楼,邮编741,420 Delaware Street SE, MN 55455, USA +1 612 624 6925,lcan@umn.edu %K网络%K行为改变%K吸烟%K戒烟%K自助%K互动%K社会支持%K虚拟社区%K队列研究%K多变量逻辑回归%K路径分析%D 2008 %7 20.12.2008 %9原创论文%J J医学互联网资源%G英语%X背景:更多地利用网络辅助烟草干预措施和增加的戒断率之间的联系是众所周知的。然而,很少有关于使用特定网站功能如何影响戒烟的信息。目的:确定利用信息,互动,和在线社区资源(如。公告栏)和戒断率,更广泛的目标是确定改善网络辅助烟草干预结果的潜在策略。方法:2004年春,607名quitplan.com用户同意参与对quitplan.com的评估,quitplan.com是QuitNet.com的明尼苏达州品牌版本。我们针对不同的网站功能开发了使用措施:一般信息、交互式诊断工具和戒烟计划工具、在线专家咨询、被动(即阅读公告板)和主动(即公开发帖)在线社区参与,以及与其他虚拟社区成员的一对一消息传递。使用双变量、多变量和通径分析,我们检查了特定部位特征的使用与6个月时30天禁欲之间的关系。结果:最常用的资源是交互式退出计划工具(77%的网站用户使用)。 Other informational resources (ie, quitting guides) were used more commonly (60% of users) than passive (38%) or active (24%) community features. Online community engagement through one-to-one messaging was low (11%) as was use of online counseling (5%). The 30-day abstinence rate among study participants at 6 months was 9.7% (95% Confidence Interval [CI] 7.3% - 12.1%). In the logistic regression model, neither the demographic data (eg, age, gender, education level, employment, or insurance status) nor the smoking-related data (eg, cigarettes per day, time to first morning cigarette, baseline readiness to quit) nor use of smoking cessation medications entered the model as significant predictors of abstinence. Individuals who used the interactive quit planning tools once, two to three times, or four or more times had an odds of abstinence of 0.65 (95% Confidence Interval [CI] 0.22 - 1.94), 1.87 (95% CI 0.77 - 4.56), and 2.35 (95% CI 1.0 - 5.58), respectively. The use of one-to-one messages (reference = none vs 1 or more) entered the final model as potential predictor for abstinence, though the significance of this measure was marginal (OR = 1.91, 95% CI 0.92 - 3.97, P = .083). In the path analysis, an apparent association between active online community engagement and abstinence was accounted for in large part by increased use of interactive quitting tools and one-to-one messaging. Conclusions: Use of interactive quitting tools, and perhaps one-to-one messaging with other members of the online community, was associated with increased abstinence rates among quitplan.com users. Designs that facilitate use of these features should be considered. %M 19103587 %R 10.2196/jmir.1018 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2008/5/e55/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1018 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19103587