%0期刊文章@ 1438- 8871% I Gunther Eysenbach %V 10% N 5% P e45% T比较互联网辅助戒烟:六臂随机对照试验13个月随访% a Rabius,Vance % a Pike,K Joanne % a Wiatrek,Dawn % a McAlister,Alfred L %+美国癌症协会国家癌症信息中心,11701 Stonehollow Drive, Austin, Texas 78727, USA, +1 512 997 3920, vrabius@cancer.org %K戒烟%K互联网%K吸烟%K随机对照试验%D 2008 %7 21.11.2008 %9原始论文%J J Med Internet Res %G英文%X背景:尽管许多吸烟者寻求基于互联网的戒烟帮助,但很少有研究实验性地评估接受互联网戒烟帮助的吸烟者的长期戒烟率。目的:本研究的目的是描述与6种不同的基于互联网的戒烟服务相关的长期戒烟率及其差异,以验证交互式和定制的互联网服务比静态的网络发布的帮助产生更高的长期戒烟率的假设,并探讨网站利用率水平和抑郁自我报告指标对长期戒烟率的可能影响。方法:在2004- 2005年,美国癌症协会(ACS)网站上为希望通过互联网帮助戒烟的吸烟者提供了一个链接。该链接将吸烟者引向QuitLink研究网站,在那里他们可以回答资格问题,提供知情同意,并完成基线调查。参与研究的参与者被随机分配到合作研究伙伴提供的五个定制互动网站中的一个,或通过电子邮件访问ACS网站,该网站具有文本、照片和图形,提供基于阶段的戒烟建议和同伴建模。结果:6451名访客符合资格要求,完成了同意程序和基线调查。所有这些吸烟者都被随机分配到六个实验组之一。在随机分组后大约13个月,通过在线和电话访谈进行的后续调查产生了2468名受访者(38%),发现分配到不同网站的受访者的总体戒烟率没有显著差异(P = .15)。 At baseline, 1961 participants (30%) reported an indicator of depression. Post hoc analyses found that this group had significantly lower 13-month quit rates than those who did not report the indicator (all enrolled, 8% vs 12%, P < .001; followed only, 25% vs 31%, P = .003). When the 4490 participants (70%) who did not report an indicator of depression at baseline were separated for analysis, the more interactive, tailored sites, as a whole, were associated with higher quitting rates than the less interactive ACS site: 13% vs 10% (P = .04) among 4490 enrolled and 32% vs 26% (P = .06) among 1798 followed. Conclusions: These findings show that Internet assistance is attractive and potentially cost-effective and suggest that tailored, interactive websites may help cigarette smokers who do not report an indicator of depression at baseline to quit and maintain cessation. %M 19033146 %R 10.2196/jmir.1008 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2008/5/e45/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1008 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19033146