%0杂志文章%@ 1438-8871 %I Gunther Eysenbach %V 10% N 2% P e17% T不准确的互联网健康信息对中学学习环境的影响a Kortum,Philip % a Edwards,Christine % a Richards-Kortum,Rebecca %+莱斯大学心理学系,6100 Main Street, MS25, Houston, TX 77005, USA, +1 713 348 4813,pkortum@rice.edu %K健康教育%K健康信息学%K流行医学%K疫苗%D 2008 %7 30.06.2008 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:美国患者普遍使用互联网获取健康信息。虽然因特网上有大量与健康有关的信息,但这些信息的准确性差别很大。目的:本研究的目的是确定学生在使用简单的关键字搜索收集有关有争议的医学主题的信息时,如何有效地评估基于互联网的材料的准确性。方法:一组来自德克萨斯州休斯顿科学磁铁高中的34名学生使用谷歌搜索“疫苗安全”和“疫苗危险”,然后回答有关返回网站上健康信息准确性的问题。学生们还被要求描述他们在练习中所学到的经验教训,并回答有关接种疫苗七项陈述的证据强度的问题。由于令人惊讶的发现,大多数学生在结束练习时获得了关于疫苗安全性和有效性的不准确信息,这些学生参加了一项后续研究,在该研究中,播放了一段基于事实的疫苗视频,之后再次对学生的知识进行评估。结果:在34名参与者中,20人(59%)认为互联网网站总体上是准确的,尽管超过一半的链接(40,55%中的22个)实际上在整体上是不准确的。第一次练习结束后,有很大比例的学生对疫苗有严重的误解;34名参与者中有18人(53%)报告了他们所学课程中关于疫苗的不准确陈述。 Of the 41 verifiable facts about vaccines that were reported by participants in their lessons-learned statement, 24 of those facts (59%) were incorrect. Following presentation of the film, the majority of students left the exercise with correct information about vaccines, based on their lessons-learned statement. In this case, 29 of the 31 participants (94%) reported accurate information about vaccines. Of the 49 verifiable facts about vaccines that were reported by participants, only 2 (4%) were incorrect. Students had higher correct scores in the “strength of evidence” exercise following exposure to the video as well. Conclusions: Allowing students to use the Internet to gain information about medical topics should be approached with care since students may take away predominantly incorrect information. It is important to follow up conflicting information with a solid, unambiguous message that communicates those lessons that the instructor deems most important. This final message should be fact based but may need to contain an anecdotal component to counter the strong emotional message that is often delivered by inaccurate Internet sites. %M 18653441 %R 10.2196/jmir.986 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2008/2/e17/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.986 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18653441