@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir.9.4。e28,作者=“Saul, Jessie E和Schillo, Barbara A和Evered, Sharrilyn和Luxenberg, Michael G和Kavanaugh, Annette和Cobb, Nathan和An, Lawrence C”,标题=“全州范围内基于互联网的戒烟干预的影响”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2007”,月=“Sep”,日=“30”,卷=“9”,数=“3”,页=“e28”,关键词=“戒烟;互联网;行为;,摘要=“背景:越来越多的人可以使用互联网,越来越多的人在网上寻求戒烟资源。尽管各种在线干预措施激增,而且它们明显被接受和覆盖,但很少有研究涉及它们在现实世界中的影响。通常,对基于互联网的后续调查的低回复率会在报告结果时产生不具代表性的样本和较大的置信区间。目的:本研究的目的是在随访评估中获得高回复率,以便更好地确定为美国明尼苏达州的烟草使用者提供的基于互联网的戒烟干预的影响。方法:参与者包括607名18岁及以上居住在明尼苏达州的男性和女性,他们在2004年2月2日至4月13日期间注册了基于互联网的戒烟计划,并自我报告了目前的烟草使用情况。参与者可以访问一个互动网站,该网站的功能包括社会支持、专家系统、主动电子邮件、聊天会话和在线咨询师。 Mixed-mode follow-up (online survey with telephone survey for online nonrespondents) occurred 6 months after registration. Results: Of the study participants, 77.6{\%} (471/607) responded to the 6-month follow-up survey (39.4{\%} online and 38.2{\%} by telephone). Among respondents, 17.0{\%} (80/471, 95{\%} CI = 13.6{\%}-20.4{\%}) reported that they had not smoked in the past 7 days (observed rate). Assuming all nonrespondents were still smoking (missing=smoking rate), the quit rate was 13.2{\%} (80/607, 95{\%} CI = 10.5{\%}-15.9{\%}). Conclusions: This mixed-mode follow-up survey of an online smoking cessation program achieved a high response rate and provides a more accurate estimate of long-term cessation rates than has been previously reported. Quit rates for the Internet-based tobacco cessation program were higher than those expected for unassisted quit attempts and are comparable to other evidence-based behavioral interventions. The similarities between quit rates demonstrates that an Internet-based cessation program may have as great an impact as, and can have wider reach than, other cessation programs such as those delivered by telephone. With over 100000 people having visited the website and over 23000 having registered, a 6-month self-reported quit rate of 13.2{\%} suggests that the quitplan.com program helped over 3000 Minnesotans remain tobacco free for at least 6 months. Results of this study suggest that an Internet-based cessation program is a useful tool in states' efforts to provide comprehensive cessation tools for smokers. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.9.4.e28", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2007/3/e28/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.9.4.e28" }