@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir.7.1。e9,作者=“Pagliari, Claudia和Sloan, David和Gregor, Peter和Sullivan, Frank和Detmer, Don和Kahan, James P和Oortwijn, Wija和MacGillivray, Steve”,标题=“什么是电子健康(4):绘制领域的范围界定”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2005”,月=“Mar”,日=“31”,卷=“7”,数=“1”,页=“e9”,关键词=“电子健康;互联网;远程医疗;背景:对电子健康的含义缺乏共识导致学术界、政策制定者、提供者和消费者之间存在不确定性。鉴于电子保健在国际政策议程上的地位日益提高,以及正在形成的英国国家信息技术方案(现称为“连接健康”)和英国国家保健服务的相关发展,委托开展了这个项目。目标:绘制电子健康作为一个主题的出现和范围,并确定其在更广泛的卫生信息学领域中的位置,作为对有关当前证据、最佳实践和未来趋势的研究和专家分析的更大审查的一部分。方法:以非系统的方式对多个科学摘要数据库进行了探索,以评估电子健康或其分类中概念相关术语的存在,确定明确提及电子健康的文章和所涵盖的主题的期刊,并确定已发表的概念定义。这些数据库包括Medline (PubMed)、护理和相关健康文献累积索引(CINAHL)、科学引文索引(SCI)、社会科学引文索引(SSCI)、Cochrane数据库(包括Dare、Central、NHS经济评估数据库[NHS EED]、卫生技术评估数据库[HTA]数据库、NHS EED书目)和ISTP(现在称为ISI论文集)。我们使用了搜索查询,“Ehealth OR e-health OR e*health”。搜索的时间范围是1997-2003年,尽管一些分析包含了在这一时期之后出现的数据。 This was supplemented by iterative searches of Web-based sources, such as commercial and policy reports, research commissioning programmes and electronic news pages. Definitions extracted from both searches were thematically analyzed and compared in order to assess conceptual heterogeneity. Results: The term eHealth only came into use in the year 2000, but has since become widely prevalent. The scope of the topic was not immediately discernable from that of the wider health informatics field, for which over 320000 publications are listed in Medline alone, and it is not explicitly represented within the existing Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) taxonomy. Applying eHealth as narrative search term to multiple databases yielded 387 relevant articles, distributed across 154 different journals, most commonly related to information technology and telemedicine, but extending to such areas as law. Most eHealth articles are represented on Medline. Definitions of eHealth vary with respect to the functions, stakeholders, contexts and theoretical issues targeted. Most encompass a broad range of medical informatics applications either specified (eg, decision support, consumer health information) or presented in more general terms (eg, to manage, arrange or deliver health care). However the majority emphasize the communicative functions of eHealth and specify the use of networked digital technologies, primarily the Internet, thus differentiating eHealth from the field of medical informatics. While some definitions explicitly target health professionals or patients, most encompass applications for all stakeholder groups. The nature of the scientific and broader literature pertaining to eHealth closely reflects these conceptualizations. Conclusions: We surmise that the field -- as it stands today -- may be characterized by the global definitions suggested by Eysenbach and Eng. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.7.1.e9", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2005/1/e9/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.7.1.e9", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15829481" }