@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir.3.4。e30,作者="Norum, Jan",标题="挪威癌症医院网站评价和癌症患者互联网使用情况的探索性调查",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2001",月="Dec",日="26",卷="3",数="4",页="e30",关键词="互联网、信息、消费者信息、网站、万维网、癌症护理机构、癌症医院、医院",摘要="背景:医院主页应提供有关医院服务的全面信息,如可提供的科室和治疗、价格、等候时间、休闲设施以及对患者及其家属重要的其他信息。挪威人口约430万,在吸收和利用技术的能力方面位居全球前列。目前尚不清楚挪威的医院和病人在多大程度上使用互联网获取有关卫生服务的信息。目的:本研究旨在评估挪威最大的癌症医院网站的质量,并收集有关患者使用互联网的一些初步数据。方法:2001年1月,我们使用评分系统分析了挪威7家最大的治疗癌症患者的医院中的5家的网站。评分工具是根据挪威中央信息服务处为网站制定的建议制定的,反映了医院网页上提供的服务信息的范围和深度。此外,31名癌症患者访问了一家医院的肿瘤内科医生,调查了他们使用互联网的情况。结果:7家医院中有5家建有网站。 The Web sites differed markedly in quality. Types of information included - and number of Web sites that included each type of information - were, for example: search option, 1; interpreter service, 2; date of last update, 2; postal address, phone number, and e-mail service, 3; information in English, 2. None of the Web sites included information on waiting time or prices. Of the 31 patients surveyed, 12 had personal experience using the Internet and 4 had searched for medical information. The Internet users were significantly younger (mean age 47.8 years, range 28.4-66.8 years) than the nonusers (mean age 61.8 years, range 33.1-90.0 years) ( P= 0.007). Conclusions: The hospitals' Web sites offer cancer patients and relatives useful information, but the Web sites were not impressive. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.3.4.e30", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2001/4/e30/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3.4.e30", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11772545" }