@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir.2.suppl2。e5,作者="Sarrias, R. and Mayer, MA and Latorre, M.",标题="认证医疗网站:在西班牙的一次经历",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2000",月=" 9 ",日="13",卷="2",号="suppl2",页="e5",摘要="引言:巴塞罗那官方医学院(OMCB)是一个百年公司,创建的目的是捍卫医疗专业的利益,确保它遵守道德和科学规范,为社会提供最好的医疗保健服务。互联网具有传输大量信息的能力,这些信息既难以控制又可广泛获取。OMCB强调有必要协助对通过网络传播的医疗/保健信息进行认证,并强调在必要时向希望访问这些信息并在互联网内驻留的医生和医疗机构提供支持和协助的重要性。目的:促进西班牙巴塞罗那- METGES官方医学院在线(OMCB)认证的医疗网站Seal(现在称为METGES在线WMA)提供基于HON代码的道德标准和OMCB本身的高质量参考指南。方法:通过注册表格,网站负责人通过接受提出的规则(行为准则、认证、识别、保密、控制和验证、广告和其他资金来源、不合规和责任)要求认证网站盖章。然后由专家进行同行评审,对内容、网站所有权、发布日期、修改和更新以及指南中定义的其他特征进行评估。之后,同行审稿人会发送一封邮件,解释接受或不接受,以及在第二次评审中收到web印章所需的改进。这是一个自由的过程。经过认证的网站将在主页上加盖医疗专用章。 Results: At the moment there are 76 webs accredited (Biomedical Associations, Patient Associations, Medical Institutions, Training, Scientific Societies, NGOs of Development, Conferences). Only 30{\%} were initially accepted before the modifications needed to get the web seal were made. The main reason for not acceptance are: the dates that content is posted, revised, and updated are not clearly indicated and the source for specific content is not clearly identified (ie, author, organizational, institutional, or commercial provider/producer). There are 30 websites waiting for accreditation and everyday the OCMB is receiving new requests. Conclusions: There is a big interest by all webs with medical contents to be accredited by a medical official institution as OMCB.The differences of contents and guidance of the websites make it difficult to use only one set of criteria to accredit these webs and makes it necessary to modify our Code to be able to assess their heterogeneousness.It would be necessary to have a system of different types of web seal to accredit the webs to guide professional and patient consumers and it would be very interesting to create an intelligent web data system to aid the peer-review the websites. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.2.suppl2.e5", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2000/suppl2/e5/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2.suppl2.e5" }