@Article{作者信息:doi / 10.2196/39054 =“沙、Ami B和Oyegun Eghosa汉普顿,威廉·布雷特内里,安东尼奥和马多克斯,妮可和Raso,丹尼尔和Sandhu Paramjit Patel,安妮塔和Koonin,丽莎M和李,莱斯利和Roper,劳伦·维特菲尔德,杰弗里·西格尔,大卫和Koumans,艾米丽H”,标题= "与美国疾病控制中心和预防冠状病毒接触自检和指导提供给用户从3月23日在美国,2020年4月19日,2021:主题与趋势分析”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2023”,月=“3”,日=“10”,卷=“25”,页=“e39054”,关键词=“COVID-19;自动症状检查器;自检;分流;医疗保健;网上信息检索;背景:2020年,在2019冠状病毒病大流行开始时,美国经历了医疗需求的激增,这对整个医疗系统的能力构成了挑战。许多司法管辖区的居家令、取消选择性程序以及门诊诊所的关闭扰乱了患者获得护理的机会。为了告知有症状的人何时寻求治疗,并可能有助于减轻医疗保健系统的负担,美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)及其合作伙伴开发了疾病控制与预防中心冠状病毒自我检查器(“自我检查器”)。 This interactive tool assists individuals seeking information about COVID-19 to determine the appropriate level of care by asking demographic, clinical, and nonclinical questions during an online ``conversation.'' Objective: This paper describes user characteristics, trends in use, and recommendations delivered by the Self-Checker between March 23, 2020, and April 19, 2021, for pursuing appropriate levels of medical care depending on the severity of user symptoms. Methods: User characteristics and trends in completed conversations that resulted in a care message were analyzed. Care messages delivered by the Self-Checker were manually classified into three overarching conversation themes: (1) seek care immediately; (2) take no action, or stay home and self-monitor; and (3) conversation redirected. Trends in 7-day averages of conversations and COVID-19 cases were examined with development and marketing milestones that potentially impacted Self-Checker user engagement. Results: Among 16,718,667 completed conversations, the Self-Checker delivered recommendations for 69.27{\%} (n=11,580,738) of all conversations to ``take no action, or stay home and self-monitor''; 28.8{\%} (n=4,822,138) of conversations to ``seek care immediately''; and 1.89{\%} (n=315,791) of conversations were redirected to other resources without providing any care advice. Among 6.8 million conversations initiated for self-reported sick individuals without life-threatening symptoms, 59.21{\%} resulted in a recommendation to ``take no action, or stay home and self-monitor.'' Nearly all individuals (99.8{\%}) who were not sick were also advised to ``take no action, or stay home and self-monitor.'' Conclusions: The majority of Self-Checker conversations resulted in advice to take no action, or stay home and self-monitor. This guidance may have reduced patient volume on the medical system; however, future studies evaluating patients' satisfaction, intention to follow the care advice received, course of action, and care modality pursued could clarify the impact of the Self-Checker and similar tools during future public health emergencies. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/39054", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2023/1/e39054", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/39054", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36745776" }