@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/37438,作者="Kujala, Sari和H{"o ' rhammer, Iiris和V{"a}yrynen, Akseli和Holmroos, Mari和N{"a}ttiaho-R{"o ' nholm, Mirva和H{"a}gglund, Maria和Johansen, Monika Alise",标题="芬兰基于web访问电子健康记录的患者体验:横截面调查",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2022",月="Jun",日="6",卷="24",数="6",页="e37438",关键词="患者门户;电子健康档案;电子健康档案;开放笔记;病人的访问;自我管理;背景:提供电子健康记录的患者门户网站为患者更好地了解和自我管理自己的健康提供了一种手段。然而,患者对电子健康记录的访问引起了医生的许多关注,而且对通过成熟的患者门户访问其电子健康记录的患者的使用实践和经验知之甚少,该门户已向公民提供了五年多的时间。目的:我们的目的是确定患者的经验,使用国家患者门户网站访问他们的电子健康记录。特别是,我们专注于理解可用性相关的看法,以及阅读由卫生保健专业人员撰写的临床记录的好处和挑战。 Methods: Data were collected from 3135 patient users of the Finnish My Kanta patient portal through a web-based survey in June 2021 (response rate: 0.7{\%}). Patients received an invitation to complete the questionnaire when they logged out of the patient portal. Respondents were asked to rate the usability of the patient portal, and the ratings were used to calculate approximations of the System Usability Scale score. Patients were also asked about the usefulness of features, and whether they had discussed the notes with health professionals. Open-ended questions were used to ask patients about their experiences of the benefits and challenges related to reading health professionals' notes. Results: Overall, patient evaluations of My Kanta were positive, and its usability was rated as good (System Usability Scale score approximation: mean 72.7, SD 15.9). Patients found the portal to be the most useful for managing prescriptions and viewing the results of examinations and medical notes. Viewing notes was the most frequent reason (978/3135, 31.2{\%}) for visiting the portal. Benefits of reading the notes mentioned by patients included remembering and understanding what was said by health professionals and the instructions given during an appointment, the convenience of receiving information about health and care, the capability to check the accuracy of notes, and using the information to support self-management. However, there were challenges related to difficulty in understanding medical terminology, incorrect or inadequate notes, missing notes, and usability. Conclusions: Patients actively used medical notes to receive information to follow professionals' instructions to take care of their health, and patient access to electronic health records can support self-management. However, for the benefits to be realized, improvements in the quality and availability of medical professionals' notes are necessary. Providing a standard information structure could help patients find the information they need. Furthermore, linking notes to vocabularies and other information sources could also improve the understandability of medical terminology; patient agency could be supported by allowing them to add comments to their notes, and patient trust of the system could be improved by allowing them to control the visibility of the professionals' notes. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/37438", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2022/6/e37438", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/37438", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35666563" }