@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/30379,作者=“波斯语,Deema和Martinez-Menchaca, Hector R和Ahmed, Mohammad和Farsi, Nada”,标题=“社交媒体与医疗保健(第二部分):患者使用社交媒体的叙事回顾”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2022”,月=“1”,日=“7”,卷=“24”,数=“1”,页=“e30379”,关键词=“社交媒体;社交网络;互联网;卫生保健;COVID-19;病人;远程医疗;背景:现在人们在一个无国界的网络世界里相互联系。现代公众,尤其是年轻一代,严重依赖互联网作为健康信息的主要来源。在医疗保健方面,患者可以使用社交媒体进行更有针对性的用途,如远程医疗、寻找提供者和同伴支持。 Objective: The aim of this narrative review is to discuss how social media has been used in the health care industry from the perspective of patients and describe the main issues surrounding its use in health care. Methods: Between March and June 2020, a review of the literature was conducted on PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Science for English studies that were published since 2007 and discussed the use of social media in health care. In addition to only English publications that discussed the use of social media by patients, publications pertaining to ethical and legal considerations in the use of social media were included. The studies were then categorized as health information, telemedicine, finding a health care provider, peer support and sharing experiences, and influencing positive health behavior. In addition, two more sections were added to the review: issues pertaining to social media use in health care and ethical considerations. Results: Initially, 75 studies were included. As the study proceeded, more studies were included, and a total of 91 studies were reviewed, complemented by 1 textbook chapter and 13 web references. Approximately half of the studies were reviews. The first study was published in 2009, and the last was published in 2021, with more than half of the studies published in the last 5 years. The studies were mostly from the United States (n=40), followed by Europe (n=13), and the least from India (n=1). WhatsApp or WeChat was the most investigated social media platform. Conclusions: Social media can be used by the public and patients to improve their health and knowledge. However, due diligence must be practiced to assess the credibility of the information obtained and its source. Health care providers, patients, and the public need not forget the risks associated with the use of social media. The limitations and shortcomings of the use of social media by patients should be understood. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/30379", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e30379", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/30379", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34994706" }