@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/28368,作者=“Leong, Victoria和Raheel, Kausar和Sim, Jia Yi和Kacker, Kriti和Karlaftis, Vasilis M和Vassiliu, Chrysoula和Kalaivanan, Kastoori和Chen, S H Annabel和Robbins, Trevor W和Sahakian, Barbara J和Kourtzi, Zoe”,标题=“一种新的远程指导方法,用于监督基于web的认知测试,以确保高质量数据:“开发与可用性研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年份=“2022”,月份=“1”,日=“6”,卷=“24”,数=“1”,页=“e28368”,关键词=“web测试;神经认知评估;COVID-19;执行功能;背景:全球COVID-19大流行引发了一场根本性的重新审视,即如何在数字工作和保持物理距离的新时代安全可靠地进行人类心理学研究。在线基于web的测试已经成为一种有前途的解决方案,可以在不需要人类接触的情况下快速大规模收集认知数据。然而,关于网络研究的数据质量和有效性一直存在争议。本研究探讨了社会向基于网络的测试转变所带来的机遇和挑战,并强调了为在线研究建立标准数据质量保证框架的迫切需要。目的:本研究旨在开发和验证一种新的监督在线测试方法,远程指导测试(RGT)。 Methods: A total of 85 healthy young adults were tested on 10 cognitive tasks assessing executive functioning (flexibility, memory, and inhibition) and learning. Tasks were administered either face-to-face in the laboratory (n=41) or online using remote guided testing (n=44) and delivered using identical web-based platforms (Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery, Inquisit, and i-ABC). Data quality was assessed using detailed trial-level measures (missed trials, outlying and excluded responses, and response times) and overall task performance measures. Results: The results indicated that, across all data quality and performance measures, RGT data was statistically-equivalent to in-person data collected in the lab (P>.40 for all comparisons). Moreover, RGT participants out-performed the lab group on measured verbal intelligence (P<.001), which could reflect test environment differences, including possible effects of mask-wearing on communication. Conclusions: These data suggest that the RGT methodology could help ameliorate concerns regarding online data quality---particularly for studies involving high-risk or rare cohorts---and offer an alternative for collecting high-quality human cognitive data without requiring in-person physical attendance. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/28368", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e28368", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/28368", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34989691" }