@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/39676,作者=“李明辉和华,伊宁和廖,闫辉和周,李和李,薛和王,凌和杨洁”,标题=“利用社交媒体追踪新冠肺炎和封锁政策对公众心理健康的影响:信息监测研究”,期刊=“J医学互联网研究”,年=“2022”,月=“10”,日=“13”,卷=“24”,数=“10”,页=“e39676”,关键词=“COVID-19;心理健康;社交媒体;推特;主题模型;背景:新冠肺炎疫情及其防控措施加重了公众的精神负担。了解和跟踪公众心理状态的变化,有助于优化公共心理卫生干预和控制策略。目的:本研究旨在建立一个基于社交媒体的追踪公众心理变化的管道,并利用它来了解公众对大流行的心理健康状况。方法:本研究使用了2020年2月至2022年4月发布的与COVID-19相关的推文。这些推文是通过Twitter应用程序编程接口使用唯一标识符下载的。 We created a lexicon of 4 mental health problems (depression, anxiety, insomnia, and addiction) to identify mental health--related tweets and developed a dictionary for identifying health care workers. We analyzed temporal and geographic distributions of public mental health status during the pandemic and further compared distributions among health care workers versus the general public, supplemented by topic modeling on their underlying foci. Finally, we used interrupted time series analysis to examine the statewide impact of a lockdown policy on public mental health in 12 states. Results: We extracted 4,213,005 tweets related to mental health and COVID-19 from 2,316,817 users. Of these tweets, 2,161,357 (51.3{\%}) were related to ``depression,'' whereas 1,923,635 (45.66{\%}), 225,205 (5.35{\%}), and 150,006 (3.56{\%}) were related to ``anxiety,'' ``insomnia,'' and ``addiction,'' respectively. Compared to the general public, health care workers had higher risks of all 4 types of problems (all P<.001), and they were more concerned about clinical topics than everyday issues (eg, ``students' pressure,'' ``panic buying,'' and ``fuel problems'') than the general public. Finally, the lockdown policy had significant associations with public mental health in 4 out of the 12 states we studied, among which Pennsylvania showed a positive association, whereas Michigan, North Carolina, and Ohio showed the opposite (all P<.05). Conclusions: The impact of COVID-19 and the corresponding control measures on the public's mental status is dynamic and shows variability among different cohorts regarding disease types, occupations, and regional groups. Health agencies and policy makers should primarily focus on depression (reported by 51.3{\%} of the tweets) and insomnia (which has had an ever-increasing trend since the beginning of the pandemic), especially among health care workers. Our pipeline timely tracks and analyzes public mental health changes, especially when primary studies and large-scale surveys are difficult to conduct. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/39676", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e39676", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/39676", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36191167" }